Les Cours Royal du Commonwealth: Les célébrations Jour du Commonwealth #CommonWealthDay

La reine Elizabeth II et son mari le prince Philip étaient accompagnés de leur fils, le prince Andrew et petits-enfants Prince William, son épouse Catherine la duchesse de Cambridge et le prince Harry, pour le service du Jour du Commonwealth.
La famille royale britannique a été réunie autour de Sa Majesté dans son rôle de chef du Commonwealth ce lundi 14 Mars à l'abbaye de Westminster pour marquer la Journée du Commonwealth avec un service religieux organisé par le Service Royal CommonWealth qui confessions religieuses fiers ensemble suivies parmi les nations. Dans sa cérémonie de voeux, la Reine a appelé les nations du Commonwealth à "soutenir ceux qui en ont besoin" et ceux qui "se sentent exclus". «Aujourd'hui, et dans l'année à venir, le thème de cette année est« Une Commonwealth Inclusive "pour célébrer la diversité de ses 2,2 milliards de citoyens. Inclusivité est quelque chose que les valeurs de fiducie fortement grâce à ses programmes de cécité et de leadership des jeunes évitables.
Jour du Commonwealth est une célébration de la Commonwealth des Nations a lieu chaque année a chaque deuxième lundi du mois de Mars. L'événement est généralement suivie par la Reine dans son rôle de chef du Commonwealth.
La duchesse Catherine, portant chic et sobre a de nouvelles tenues avec des créations de pays des Nations Commonwealth pour célébré la Journée. Tout d'abord dans un manteau gris du créateur de mode canadien Erdem ce manteau est une version sur mesure basée sur la Collection pré-automne 2015 du concepteur avec un motif all-over pin-point avec une superposition de dentelle festonnée. Elle a également fait ses débuts un gris chapeau à large bord correspondant du concepteur préféré de sa défunte belle mère Princesse Diana John Boyd Milliner, également nouvelle à sa collection une pouchette gris de la collection Emmy 'Natasha' dans une couleur 'vapeur', en daim gris des talons de la collection Rupert Sanderson 'Winona' et terminé la tenue avec ses diamants et de chute de aquamarine boucles d'oreilles. La duchesse. Arrivé entourée par son mari et son frère, le prince Harry. La reine Elizabeth II est venue avec son mari, le prince Philip, mais aussi leur fils, le prince Andrew. Prince Charles, qui assiste habituellement avec sa mère la reine en tant que chef du Commonwealth, était quant à lui absent, sur une visite d'Etat en Croatie.
Photo Credit: PAris Match

The Queen's message to the people of the Commonwealth, on Commonwealth Day 2016..."Wherever we live in the...
Pubblicato da The British Monarchy su Lunedì 14 marzo 2016

Plus tard dans la soirée de la Reine Elisabeth et le prince Philip, duc d'Édimbourg a assisté à la réception du Jour du Commonwealth à Marlborough House, Londres.

The CommonWealth Royal Courts: CommonWealth Day celebrations #CommonWealthDay

Queen Elizabeth II and her husband Prince Philip were accompagnied by their son Prince Andrew and grandchildren Prince William, his wife Catherine the Duchess of Cambridge, Prince Harry, for Commonwealth Day Service.

The British royal family was reunited around Her Majesty in her role as Head of the CommonWealth on Monday March 14th at Westminster Abbey to mark Commonwealth Day with a church service organised by the Royal CommonWealth Service which proud together religious faiths followed amongst the nations. In her greeting ceremony, the Queen called the Commonwealth nations to "support those in need" and those who "feel excluded". "Today and in the coming year, this year’s theme is “An Inclusive Commonwealth” to celebrate the diversity of its 2.2 billion citizens. Inclusivity is something the Trust values highly through its avoidable blindness and youth leadership programmes.

Commonwealth Day is a celebration of the Commonwealth of Nations held annually on every second Monday of March each year.  The event is usually attended by the Queen in her role as Head of the Commonwealth.

The Duchess Catherine, chic and sober wearing a new outfits with creations from CommonWealth Nations countries to celebrated the Day. Firstly in a grey coat from Canadian fashion designer Erdem this coat is bespoke version based on the designer's Pre-Fall 2015 Collection featuring an all-over pin-dot pattern with a scalloped lace overlay.  She also debuted a matching grey wide-brim hat from her late mother in law Princess Diana favorite hat milliner John Boyd Milliner, also new to her clutches collection where a grey clutch from Emmy 'Natasha' collection in a 'Vapour' colour, grey suede pumps from Rupert Sanderson 'Winona' collection and completed the outfit with completed the outfit with her diamond and aquamarine drop earrings. The Duchess. arrived surrounded by her husband and his brother Prince Harry. Queen Elizabeth II came with her husband Prince Philip, but also their son Prince Andrew. Prince Charles, who usually attends with his mother Queen as head of the Commonwealth, was meanwhile absent, on a state visit to Croatia.
Photo Credit: PAris Match

The Queen's message to the people of the Commonwealth, on Commonwealth Day 2016..."Wherever we live in the...
Pubblicato da The British Monarchy su Lunedì 14 marzo 2016

Later in the evening Queen Elisabeth and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh attended the Commonwealth Day reception in Marlborough House, London.

The Swedish Royal Courts: Prince Johann funeral

 Prince Johann Georg von Hohenzollern's funeral was held on March 12 in his native Germany. The religious service was held, privately at the Hedinger Sigmaringen church, in Baden-Württemberg town where stands the ancient castle of the princes of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen. King Carl XVI Gustaf and his wife Queen Silvia attended, alongside the Princess Birgitta.

A statement from the royal house, their son Prince Carl Philip, Princess Birgitta's godson, was also present, as were two other sisters of the sovereign Princesses Christina and Desiree who came with her husband Baron Nils August Silfverschiöld . The fourth sister of the King of Sweden, Princess Margaretha was in turn represented by his daughter Sybilla von Dincklage.

That same day, flags were flown at half mast on the Stockholm Royal Palace and Drottningholm Palace, while a public ceremony was held for the deceased in the Church of Riddarholmen, the necropolis of the Swedish monarchs.




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