La Cour Royale du Danemark: Le Prince Heritier Fredrick est au Nepal

Prince héritier Fredrick a fait le voyage pour le Népal avec La Croix-Rouge Danoise pour aider à soulager les villages qui sont isole jeudi matin dans la capitale Katmandou au Népal après un long vol de Copenhague avec une seule escale.

Le prince héritier est au Népal pour découvrir le travail de secours Croix-Rouge danoise dans les provinces sinistrées loin de Katmandou

Vérifiez Billed-Bladet hebdomadaire danois pour plus d'info

The Royal Court of Norway: The Crown Prince Couple continue their journey through the Akerhus County

For their second day in the County, their stop was in Nannestad on September 16th 2015. Her Royal Highnesses Crown Princess began her visit in Bjerke Kindergarten. During her visit according to, she said in her speech "The effort and knowledge exerted by nursery staff every day has a huge impact on our children. With these guys that colleagues are enough "world's finest professional" even nicer in the years ahead".
Photo: Vegard Wivestad Grøtt / NTB scanpix

After the kindergarten visit, the Crown Prince Couple visited a home for the integration for women of minorities backgrounds, and takes up various topics of conversation so that women can become better acquainted with Norway known as Sesame House. Crown Princess Mette-Marit emphasized the importance of this kind of local integration initiatives, and how important work these enthusiasts do is. "When we talk together strengthened cohesion and sense of belonging, and it is essential to thrive in a new place, said the Crown Princess." During this visit Crown Princess left their signatures which will be quilted.

HRH Crown Princess then went to the Nannestad high school

The Royal Court of Spain: The Royal Couple visited St. Augustine

Their Majesties the King and Queen of Spain today September 18th 2015 visited the City of St Augustine also known as the "Nations Oldest city". St Augustine also known in Spanish as San Agustin celebrates its 450th anniversary in Castillo San Marcos and the oldest continuously occupied European-established settlement in the continental United States.

Their Majesty also went to the Flagler College where King Felipe gave a speech. 

La Cour royale du Danemark: la Princesse héritière Mary a participe à un exercice sur avec les Home Guard Danoise

SAR la Princesse héritière du Danemark aujourd'hui Septembre 18 à 2015 a  rejoint plus de 500 bénévoles participent à un exercice Home Guard Field à Korselitze Forêt à Falster et Vordingborg Barracks.

La Princess Heritiere a également été nomme premier lieutenant dans la Garde Nationale danoise aujourd'hui. Elle a été une partie du service Home Guard depuis 2008 après être passé par la formation

The Royal Court of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge attend the beginning of Rugby World Cup

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge attended the opening ceremony and the first game between England and Fiji at the Rugby World Cup in Twickenham stadium in south west London, England on September 18, 2015.
Photo Credits: Getty Images/David Rogers

HRH Prince Harry of Wales as Honorary President of #RWC gave the opening ceremony speech.

In order news, Kensington Palace announced the presence of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry at the world screening of the newest James Bond Movie




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