The Royal Courts of Birthday: Happy Birthday HM Queen Letizia of Spain

We Would Like to wish Her Majesty a Happy Birthday and a Prosperous year to come

While Her Majesty is celebrating her Birthday, she and His Majesty King Felipe of Spain are in the United States on an official visit in an effort to reinforce the American-Spanish relationship. Obama and King Felipe will discuss economic challenges which are face by Spain and other European nations in terms of trade with the US, according to the White House schedule. According to Casa Del Rey King Felipe and Queen Letizia also will visit Miami and Florida to celebrate the city's 450th birthday.

Their Majesties started their first day in the US with visiting George Washington's Mount Vernon on September 15, 2015 in Virginia, Washington, USA.
Photo Credits: Casa Del Rey/Getty Images

They also attended a meeting with the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee  on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC and had a meeting with President Barack Obama at the White House earlier during the day.

Queen Letizia of Spain met with US First Lady Michelle Obama at the White House in Washington, DC, USA, First Lady Michelle Obama welcomed Queen Letizia and gave her, who is celebrating her 43rd birthday, a tour of her famous organic garden.

La Cour Royale de la Belgique: Sa Majeste etait en Suisse pour une reunion au Nation Uni

Sa Majesté était à Genève, en Suisse plus tôt aujourd'hui mardi 9 Septembre 2015 pour assister aux réunions des Nations Unies sur «l'intégration de l'égalité perspective» du Conseil des droits de l'homme aux Nations Unies.

Alors qu'en Belgique, Sa Majesté le Roi Philipe reçu les titres de creance ambassadeurs étrangers et des hauts-commissaires de la Belgique et de l'Union

The Royal Court of Belgium:Queen Mathilde is in Geneva to attend UN meetings

Her Majesty was in Geneva, Switzerland earlier today Tuesday September 9th 2015 to attend the United Nations meetings on 'Integration of gender perspective' of the Human Rights Council at the United Nations.

While in Belgium, His Majesty King Philipe received credentials from Foreign Ambassadors and High Commissioners to Belgium and the Europeen Union

The Royal's Courts Birthday: Happy Birthday to Royal Court's Crush Prince Henry of Wales

To those that have grown for the last 31 years with Prince Harry and watched him grown from that cheeky grinning, smirking red hair boy to the young hot crush worthy dashing and warming gentleman still with the smirking and cheekyness.

The years may not have been well with the Prince of Wales but we have seen him grow and take charge in his patronages and charities.

Today HRH attend the commemoration of the Battle of Britain  Flypast at Goodwood on September 15, 2015 in Chichester, England. The 75th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain is being marked by a historic flypast that brings more Battle of Britain aircraft together than ever before as a show of thanks to 'the few' and the sacrifices they made. (Photo by Mark Cuthbert/UK Press via Getty Images). Prince Harry did one thing more special by allowing a veteran to lead the flypast

La Cour Royale les celebrations: Un Joyeux anniversaire a SAR Prince Harry de Galles

Pour ceux qui ont grandi pendant les 31 dernières années avec le prince Harry et le regarda issus de cette grimaçant effronté, sourire en coin cheveux roux garçon à la jeune écrasement chaude digne fringant et le réchauffement gentleman toujours avec le Sourire narquois et impertinence.
Les années peuvent ne pas avoir été bien avec le prince de Galles, mais nous avons vu grandir et de prendre en charge dans ses patronages et des organisations caritatives.
Aujourd'hui SAR assister à la commémoration de la bataille d'Angleterre Flypast à Goodwood le 15 Septembre, 2015 a Chichester, en Angleterre. Le 75e anniversaire de la bataille d'Angleterre est marquée par un défilé aérien historique qui apporte plus de bataille de la Grande-Bretagne ainsi que les avions que jamais comme une démonstration de grâce à «petit» et les sacrifices qu'ils ont faits. (Photo par Mark Cuthbert / UK Press via Getty Images). Le prince Harry a fait une chose plus spéciale en permettant un vétéran de mener le défilé aérien

The Royal Court of Sweden: The Swedish Royal Family opened Parliament for the New Year

Members of the Swedish Royal Family attended a Church Service at the Cathedral of Stockholm, Stockholm in accordance with the opening of the Swedish Parliament(Riksdag) on September 15, 2015. (King Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Crown Prince Daniel, Prince Carl, Princess Sofia and new mom of two Princess Madeleine were present). This will be Princess Sofia's opening of the Swedish Parliament. After the Church service, the family followed to the Parliament where His Majesty King Gustaf said this Speech: "How can we prepare our children and grandchildren a future world that we do not know so much about?

Well, we can prepare them to handle change. For all we know is that the world will continue to change. In a globalized world, we need to educate future generations of world citizens.

We can, among other things, give them knowledge of different social systems, cultures, languages, and religions. An understanding of how societies and cultures have evolved and changed. We can pass on our long tradition of democracy and human rights, as a natural foundation for our society.

We can also talk about some basic rules for all human interaction. As to be tolerant, considerate and compassionate. "
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La Cour Royal de Neerland: La Famille Royal Neerlandaise au Prinsjedag

Alors un peu vers le sud dans la ville de La Haye, la famille royale néerlandaise suivait Prinsjedag. Roi Willem-Alexandra, la reine Maxima, le prince Constantijn et la princesse Laurentien avec également l'ancienne reine maintenant la Princesse Beatrix. Prinsjedag ou La Journee du Prince anciennement connu comme la Journée Budget est ainsi est le jour où le monarque régnant des Pays-Bas répond à une session conjointe du Sénat et de la Chambre néerlandaise des représentants dans la Ridderzaal ou Salle des Chevaliers à La Haye. Le discours du Trône (néerlandais: Troonrede) énonce les principales caractéristiques de la politique du gouvernement pour la prochaine session parlementaire.

Le prince Constantijn et la princesse Laurentien rejoint roi Willem-Alexandra et la reine Maxima au balcon du palais royal Noordeinde.
Crédits Photos: Het Huis Koninkjik / Facebook




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