The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: president

La Cour royale marocaine: la Princesse Lalla Hasna Signes le Pacte Quality'Air.

Son Altesse Royale la Princesse Lalla Hasnaa, Présidente de la Fondation Mohammed VI pour la protection de l'environnement a présidé, la Journée Qualitair, qui a eu lieu le 11 Février 2016 au Palais des Congrès Palais des Congrès à Skhirat, a permis la signature de deux accords sur la qualité de l'air et atténuation du réchauffement planétaire. Ils incarnent quatorze années de travail sur ces causes environnementales .. Princesse Lalla Hasnaa a présidé la cérémonie de signature d'un accord qui prévoit de soutenir le développement d'un système de surveillance éco-épidémiologique dans la région de Casablanca pour la période 2016-2018.

Princesse Lalla Hasnaa est la plus jeune fille du roi Hassan II et sa seconde épouse, Lalla Latifa Hammou. Elle est la soeur de l'actuel roi Mohammed VI et le prince Moulay Rachid.

Photo Credit: Facebook

The Monegasque Royal Courts: Princess Stephanies opens the Monte-Carlos Circus

Princess Stephanie of Monaco officially launched on Tuesday the 40th Monte Carlo International Circus Festival.

Rehearsals time had begun at the erected marquee in the district of Fontvieille, not far from the Principality. Performances start this Thursday, January 14th. For the next 10 days -until January-24, like every year at this time of the year, the Monte-Carlo International Circus Festival will thrill many Monegasques, especially Princess Stephanie of Monaco who is President of the event, the little sister of Prince Albert II has never hid her passion for arts. And with a wide smile she took pictures this January 12 alongside artists and elephants at the presentation of the 40th edition.

Launched in 1974 by her father the late Prince Rainier III of Monaco on the occasion of 25 years of his reign, this festival celebrates indeed this year its 40th anniversary. Stephanie also wanted to mark this anniversary, invite the best award-winning artists in the last 15 years.

Last year the mother of 2 who transmitted her love for the arts to her daughter Pauline Ducret -who is currently studying in New York, and is chairman of the international jury of "New Generation", a circus competition held in Monaco for young artists. The Sovereign Prince Albert will attend this year's opening night or other representation with his wife Princess Charlene and their little twin Jacques the hereditary prince and princess Gabriella, now aged 13 months. We can not wait to see them attend
Photo Credits: Paris Match




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