The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: inaugurations

The Royal Court of Sweden: Crown Princess Victoria inaugurates Folke Bernadotte exhibition in Stockholm

HRH Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden inaugurated the Peace Mediator exhibition about Folke Bernadotte in Stockholm on Thursday 17th September took part in a seminar on Sweden's role in international peace mediation, and inaugurated the Peace mediator, an exhibition about the Folke Bernadotte deed in the Middle East. The exhibition displayed on the Mediterranean Museum in Stockholm. Photo: Henrik Montgomery / TT/Kungahuset.se

Later during the day HRH received Iraqi President Saleem al-Jubouri

The Royal Courts of Sweden- Queen Silvia, Prince Carl-Philips and Princess Sofia inaugurate the Lillian Look exihibition

Photo Credit: Kungahuset

After spending two days in the county of Varmland, Prince Carl-Philips and Princess Sofia are back in Stockholm to accompany Queen Silvia as she inaguarates the clothes of a Princess, The Lillian Look The exhibition displays some 30 pieces of Princess Lilian brought in connection with the representation and family celebrations for 30 years

The opening ceremony was initiated by the Superintendent Margareta Nisser-Dalman who welcomed everyone and introduced the exhibition. Fashion historians Tonie Lewenhaupt spoke about Princess Lilian's sense of style and singer Mattias Enn performed Rose of England and Unforgettable accompanied by court organist Mary Ljungqvist Hen.

According to Kungahuset The queen then gave the opening speech and said:

"It is sometimes said that clothes make the man. But with Princess Lilian was the opposite. In her case, it was the woman who made the clothing.

The pieces shown in this exhibition reflects the Princess Lilian's personality. We recognize her in the adorable pastel colors. The elegant cuts. And even in the fine details. There's that "tongue in cheek" that was so characteristic of her. "

Photo Credit: Kungahuset

Photo Credit: Kungahuset




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