The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: events

The Swedish Royal Court: Prince Carl and Princess Sofia at the Sports without Borders events

On Monday 12 October, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia were in Norrtälje to inaugurate Sports Without Borders to be introduced at Loons school and Grind school. (Sports Without Borders is a not-for-profit organisation which provides support for young people from new and emerging communities to overcome the barriers of participation in community sport.)
Photo: Anders Wiklund / TT/Kungahuset.se

The Spainish Royal Court: Spain National Day

Their Majesties, who were accompanied by their daughters, Their Royal Highnesses Princess of Asturias, Princess Leonore and the Infanta Sofía, presided over the ceremony in homage to the National Flag and the military parade held in the Plaza de Canovas del Castillo.
Photo Credits: Casa del Rey,

Later, Their Majesties offered at the Royal Palace of Madrid the traditional Memorial Day reception the National Day.




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