The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: engagements

The Royal Court of the United Kingdom: HRH Prince Harry attends England Rugby Welcome Reception

HRH Prince Harry of Wales as Vice Patron of England Rugby attended the Welcome Reception in anticipation for tomorrow World Cup

Prince Harry also met up with students benefitting from England Rugby Foundation

Whilst His Royal Highness Prince William Duke of Cambridge attended the 25th anniversary ball of TuskTrust. TuskTrust is many people may not know is dear to the Duke's and Prince Harry's heart as the Duke is the Royal Patron. The organisation is all about "Protecting Wildlife, Supporting Communities & Promoting Education throughout Africa"

The Royal Courts of Sweden- Princess Sofia's brilliantly succeeds in her first royal solo engagements

Photo Credits: Svensk Damtidning

For her first royal duty since getting married 2 months ago to Prince Carl, HRH Princess Sofia has surely left a mark with her first solo appearance without her husband.

Just a few weeks ago, she was spotted in the south of France enjoying the holidays with other members of the Royal Family and today she attended with a lovely tan, attending a diploma ceremony with her foundation and former working place which she is a co founder Project Playground.

According to Svensk Damtidning, the event which was held in Stockholm, was a collaboration between Project Playground and the Swedish Integration program Lugna Gatan name Great Corner which works to make streets in South Africa safe and awarded participants diploma for their engagements of the streets.

Not only was this her first solo appearance, but her first speech was said during the events. In her speech, she reference her own experience with gang violence while working with Project Playground.

According to Svensk Damtidning she said “With initiatives as Great Corner and many of the others Project Playground take on, I feel much hope. I have personally seen what gang activity can lead to. We have phased out the fragile thread between life and death which our young people are balancing on,”

For a first solo appearance she looked radiant in a white sleeveless turtleneck Astrid Top from IRO, navy blue pants and nude heels

Photo Credits: Svensk Damtidning

Photo Credits: Svensk Damtidning

Photo Credits: Svensk Damtidning

Photo Credits: Svensk Damtidning

La Cour royale de Jordanie cette semaine: la reine Rania de Jordanie, la reine de l'éducation lors de la vague de chaleur

Avec 2015/2016 année scolaire sur le point de commencer, les enseignants jordaniens avaient un commencer plus tôt avec un atelier de formation sur la préservation de l'éducation de l'environnement organisée par la reine Rania Académie Enseignement (IRFA) à l'école secondaire Bint Al Azwar Khawla pour les filles à Amman .

Avec une vague de chaleur qui a balayé le Moyen-Orient, mardi dernier, la Reine Rania a chuté de tant qu'invité spécial de donner à ses encouragements et de soutien comme ils ont pris une pause de la pause d'été et la vague de chaleur. Elle en a profité pour asseoir et avoir une discussion sur l'utilité des cours à court terme dans le développement de leurs compétences et techniques d'enseignement.

Sa Majesté a écrit sur son Instagram tout en regardant regal et élégant dans un pantalon blanc (peut-on parler arrachant un tout costume blanc dans le style) "
Tellement fier de ces enseignants et les éducateurs qui prennent le temps de leurs vacances d'été à rafraîchir leurs compétences et techniques d'enseignement! "

© Royal Hashemite Court of Jordan

فخورة جداً بالمعلمين والمعلمات والتربويين الذين يقتطعون الوقت من إجازاتهم الصيفية لحضور الدورات وورش العمل التي تطور مهاراتهم في التدريس
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Queen Rania's photo.




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