The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: christening

The Swedish Royal Courts: Prince Oscar Christening day announcements

 Prince Oscar will be christened in May, namely on May 27 announced The Swedish Royal palace Kungahuset. This is ths chapel where where many members of the family including elder sister Princess Estelle was christened in 2012; cousin Princess Leonor was christened in 2014 and 10 months cousin Prince Nicolas was christened back in 2015. The prince will be christened just days before he is shy of being three months. Thus he will be almost exactly as old as the older sister was when she was baptized. The prince renamed the end of May is of course no coincidence: first, he is the right age and also want the royal family to repeat the success with Estelle beautiful family photos.

After baptism the reception and lunch at the Royal Palace. During the ceremony the young prince's monogram will be release and he will be bestowed upon the Order of the Seraphim, which means he gets to wear this baby sash. This Baptism will attract both foreign and Swedish royalty. Oscar baptism will however be less than Estelle. Many friends of the Crown Princess Couple will of course be on hand, as well as his maternal and paternal family. As the Princess Estelle baptized in 2012 announced her five godparents: King Willem-Alexander, Crown Prince Haakon, Crown Princess Mary, Prince Carl Philip and Daniel's sister, Anna Westling Soderstrom. When the little prince Oscar baptized, on May 27th, he will also get several god paremts. It is rumor that the Crown Princess Couple(his parents) will chose five god parents from both friend and family circle. Our hottest tips are Princess Madeleine, Princess Sofia, Caroline Nilsson, Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway and Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark.




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