The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: aristocrat

La Cour Royale de Belgique: Une visite Royale dans la Groupe mediatique

Leurs Majestés le Roi et la Reine Mathilde Philipe ont visité les quatiers generale des Groupe médias Mediafin anciennement connu sous le nom Tjid sur 29 Septembre. Au cours de leur visite, Leurs Majestés ont pris part à des décisions répondant sur ce qui était à imprimer et publier sur le web avec les rédacteurs en chef, des rencontres entre les éditeurs français et néerlandais, se sont rencontrés et ont parlé avec le journaliste travaillant sur les deux côtés.
Crédits photo: MonarchieBe / AFP

The Royal Courts of Spain: Queen Letizia visited a primary school on their first day of school

Allow me a few minutes to cry and be emotional on a few of this pictures taking when Her Majesty Queen Letizia paid a visit to attend Opening of the School Year 2015/2016 at Childhood and Primary Education 'Marques de Santillana' School on September 21, 2015 in Palencia, Spain.

HM got to be hugged and kissed on the cheek by a young pupils of the school. We can clearly see the love and fondness the little ones had for Her Majesty

According to Casa Del Rey Her Majesty said that a quality education system must always include "individual effort, perseverance, the ability to work, the consciousness of knowing where we are and what we do, responsibility and take charge of life, be willing to learn and do not forget the values ​​that should always go beyond the material. "
"Teachers and indeed, the entire educational community, including family members, accompany students in these crucial formative years. We are all part of that process called education. We must all be committed to achieve more responsible, more aware, better people, more wake up, "said Letizia to officially inaugurate the 2015-2016 school year.
© House of HM the King

The Royal Court of Belgium: The Royal Couple Their Majesties King Philipe and Queen Mathilde visited Limburg

Their Majesties King Philip and Queen Mathilde were in Limburg on Thursday September 10th 2015 were they were warmly welcomed. Their Majesty got to visit Corda Campus (a startup incubator/ accelerator for many Belgian start ups)
photo Credits: MonarchieBe

The Royal Courts of Sweden- Her Majesty the Queen visit the Pensioners' Day

A Queen after my own heart. I always get excited when I see HM the Queen out and about doing work and now today she definately wins my heart when she attended Pensioners' Day in Ekebyhov parklands on Ekerö outside Stockholm.

Over coffee greeted the Queen on several of those who come to the day on Ekebyhov. 

Pensioners' Day

This year was celebrated Pensioners' Day on Ekerö for the seventeenth time. The initiative for the day was taken by the Queen and the first years of the celebration took place in Drottningholm park. Since 2000, the Municipality of Ekerö which stands for the event.

Photo Credits: Kungahuset.se

La Cour royale de Angleterre- Prince Harry repéré après des mois en Afrique australe

La dernière fois que le monde a vu le prince Harry était de retour quand il retourne à Londres après avoir été en Australie pendant quelques mois. Alors Palais de Kensington a annoncé le travail de charité qui SAR était de prendre en Namibie avec les services de la vie sauvage.

Aujourd'hui le 5e en ligne pour le trône, a visité l'équipage et des installations de soins de Khulula la conservation expérience africaine pour Le Wild à Nelspruit Afrique du Sud et a été repéré avec une barbe sexy Ginger.

Après Cecil les outrages de lion, anti-braconnage SAR a travaillé dur et déployer des efforts avec l'existence d'une plus grande couverture de l'anti-braconnage.

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Nous souhaitons un bon sejour et un bon combat pour des lois anti braconnage plus severe

The Royal Courts- 14 Most Eligible Royal Bachelors and Bachelorettes

The year 2015 has brought 2 royal weddings into the media frenzy. First Prince Carl of Sweden getting married to his longtime sweetheart Sofia Hellqvist now Princess Sofia Duchess of Vaarmland, and that of Pierre Casiraghi and Italian aristocrat Beatrice Borroemoe

But in the royal world as one walks down the isle another enters the dating world.
Here is a video gallery of our most eligible royal Bachelors and Bachelorettes:




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