The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: The House of Bernadotte

The Swedish Royal Courts: Crown Princess visited the Bernadotte Library

Crown Princess Victoria visited the Bernadotte Library at the Royal Palace to take part of the ongoing work on the collections.

Bernadotte Library's collections include around 100,000 books and 500,000 photographs that belonged to the Bernadotte dynasty. There are also large collections of sheet music and maps.
Important notices: This years Crown Princess Victoria's Name Day which is celebrated annually on March 12 will be postponed this is due to the fact that she is due to give birth in the next couple of weeks. 
Photo Credits: Kungahuset.se

La Cour royale de Suède: le Roi Gustaf et la princesse héritière Victoria recois en audience avec les astronautes suédois et la princesse héritière Victoria assisté au 10e anniversaire ECDC

Plus tôt dans la journée de Mardi Septembre 22 La princesse Héritière Victoria a participe a la célébration du 10e anniversaire du  Centre Européen de la prévention et contrôle des maladies (ECDC)  de l'Institut Karolinska de Stockholm, en Suède.

Plus tard ce jour-là, Sa Majeste Le Roi Gustaf et S.A.R La princesse héritière a reçu 100 astronautes au Hall de la mer Blanche au Palais Royal qui ont participé au 28e Congrès planétaire de l'Association des explorateurs de l'espace (ASE)  à Stockholm.

The Royal Court History: Bernadotte's influence in Norway 1763-1844

I wanted to do this House of Bernadotte 3 part series including other Scandinavian royal families Norway and Denmark. But I decided that in the other Royal Household we will have a glimpse of marriage between a few Bernadotte descendants and other royals.

Although Norway's current monarch is a member of the House of Gluckbourg or also known as the House of Shleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Gluckbourg a subdivision on the House of Oldenburg.

Whilst in 1818 Norway was still a member of the Swedish realm, Bernadotte also known as King Charles IV John of Sweden also ruled over Norway as King Charles III John of Norway. How this came about you may ask well lets get down to history.

King Charles IV John(Karl Johan) was a huge part of the Treaty of Kiel which allow Sweden and Norway to be one due to Denmark lose to the Napoleonic wars and ceding away Norway. Mind you Norway didn't allow itself to be a part of Sweden but pressure from Karl Johan had it give away he later on invaded and suppressed Norwegian Army Force. Unlike when they were with Denmark, Norway and Sweden had to be ruled by one king under the Convention of Moss but by participating as its own with a different institutions.

Karl Johan was actually Crown Prince to both kingdoms and only became King after the passing away of King Carl XIII. Karl Johan was then crown king in both Norway on September 7 1818. First coronation being held in over three centuries. He began a tradition which still remains till date, during his coronation, Karl Johan was crown in his Marshal military wear. Since then future Norwegian Kings after him did the same including present King Harald.

During his reign in Norway Karl Johan was actually never popular amongs the people, Firstly for his implication in 1818, and his actions to change the Constitution giving more power to the Royal King. According to the Constitution in dating back to many years before, the parliament also known as The Sorting giving them more power which had not be seen in any European countries.

The Royal Courts History: Sweden Ruling Household

When we think about Sweden Royal Court we see, King Gustav XVI, Queen Silva, Crown Princess Victoria, Crown Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, Prince Carl and Princess Sophia, Princess Madeline, Mr Christopher O'Neil, Princess Leonore and Prince Nikolaus , we may not know much about their family name the Bernadottes and how this family came to rule Sweden since 1818

L-R Mr Christopher O'Neil, Princess Madeline carry Princess Leonore, Crown Prince Daniel, Crown Princess Victoria carrying Princess Estelle, Prince Carl and Princess Sophia
Down L-R Queen Silva and King Gustaf XVI
© Kungahuset

The House of Bernadotte has been ruling Sweden since 1818 and also rule the Royal House Norway from 1818-1905. Previous to 1818, Sweden, Norway and Finland were ruled by the House of Holstein-Gottorp.

The House of Holstein-Gottorp was the ruling House in Sweden during the Napeolonic and a branch member of the Oldenburg Household which rules and has ruled a good part of many European royal family(Sweden, Germany, Denmark, Greece, Russia,) current Royal Heads of Household have roots here: Queen Margrethe of Denmark, ex King Nikolaus of Greece, King Gustav XVI and Prince Consort Philip of England.

After losing the Finnish War in 1809, which led to Sweden realm to lose possession Finland, the Swedish people at that time became angry and resented ruling King Gustav IV Aldorf, which led to a coup d'etat which overthrew King Gustav IV and his heir Gustav V. Back in the 19th century when a ruling King was overthrown members of parliament or members of the Court get together and elect a new King of which King Gustav IV's uncle Charles XIII was chosen. Unfortunately due to an older age of 61 King Charles XIII who was quite known as a senile man was unable to reproduce heirs to the throne(one stillborn and another child died after only one week) This led to the down fall of the House of Holstein-Gottorp. In his place the Riksdag(Sweden's parliament) chose Prince Christian August of Augustenborg from neighboring country Denmark as heir to the throne later known as King Charles August but unfortunately he passed away later during the year. Which left the seat to the throne empty.

With Emperor Napoleon of France controlling a vast part of continental Europe now define as Western Europe. The Riksdag wrote a letter to Napoelon about their anguish on who will rule Sweden and had agreed on taking whomover is chosen by him.

Here's where comes Bernadotte. Yup as you may know have guessed from the reading the Bernadotte household as roots from France. Ancestor Jean Baptist Bernadotte was born in Pau in Bearn France and quickly rose through the ranks in the Bonaparte Army as a Marshall of France. Married to Desiree Clary, he was indirectly a member of the Bonaparte Family. Wife Desiree's sister was married to Napoleon's elder Brother Joseph(King of Naples and Sicily 1806-1808, King of Spain 1808-1813 as Jose I). Many history facts states that due to this mariage Bernadotte was given the position on Marshall of France, Prince of Pontecurvo and hence Crown Prince of Sweden. Whereas others state that Bernadotte was never a fan of the Bonparte but was later convince.

Bernadotte who later adopted the name Karl Johan(Charles Carl) when he became regent for the rest of Charles XIII's reign. During his reign in 1813, he separate himself from Napoleon which led to Sweden creating an Anti-Napoleonic alliance. During that same year, Norway which still belonged to Sweden due to the Treaty of Kiel, which led to Norway declaring its independence which triggered a wedge between Sweden and Norway. After this war, Norway became a kingdom instead of a province with a twist of which both countries now had the same monarch, parliament and foreign policy. After the death of Charles XIII, he took the name of Charles XIV of Sweden and Charles III of Norway from 1818-1844(year of death)

After his passing away, the House of Bernadotte ruled both countries until the passing of the dissolution of the Union between Norway and Sweden. His great great- grand son Prince Carl of Denmark became the King of Norway and was known as King Haakon VII. King Haakoon is the grand son of King Charles XV.

The Bernadotte Dynasty
The Bernadotte Family From King Charles XIV(Jean Bernadotte) to His  Ruling descendant King Carl XVI
© Kungahuset

Watch out for part 2 of the House of Bernadotte influence on Norwegian Royal family




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