The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: The Druk Galypo

The Bhutan Royal Courts: Welcome H.R.H The Gyalsey Crown Prince

Bhutan's royal family welcome their Crown Prince The Gyalsey(no name has been given yet) a month ago.

It was through social networks that the office The Druk Gyalpo King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck and his lovely wife the Druk Gyaltsuen Queen Jetsun Pema announce the birth of the Himalayan country's Crown Prince on Friday February 5th.

The next day, His Majesty offered prayers prayers at the Tashichhodzong, Dechenphu Lhakhang, Pangrizampa Lhakhang, and the Gesar Lhakang

It was also unveiled on February 9 the first photograph of their baby was posted. The photograph posted on the Facebook account of the young Sovereign couple shows the royal couple sitting outside in the company of their newborn but also the paternal grandfather of the latter, the former Thunder king 4th Druk Gyalpo Jigme Singye Wangchuck. All three, in traditional costumes, carry a tender look at the royal baby wrapped in a yellow cloth, a white cap on his head. Only part of his face is visible, indicating that the infant asleep.
The photo is accompanied by a text that begins: "The Bhutanese families had a wonderful Losar (New Year) today to celebrate this day with their family and loved ones. To make the day even more special, we have the honor to bring to your attention the first official photo of Her Royal Highness Gyalsey (Crown Prince, Ed).

Senior member of the Bhutanese government were granted audience by the King to give their special losar(thanksgiving).

The "Dragon King" Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck celebrated his 36th birthday and first birthday as a new birthday on Sunday February 19th. On this occasion, the young monarch and his lovely wife Jetsun Pema, unveiled a series of photographs of their Royal Baby older than two weeks.

The first photo of the Crown Prince of Bhutan, born February 5, 2016, was posted by his mother Queen Jetsun Pema four days later on the social networks. The 25-year-old mom reiterates February 21st sharing snapshots of his first child on her Facebook page. But it is a 12 pictures which the couple marked the day with the country showing a new family history.

In legend, Queen Jetsun Pema explains that this "collection of wonderful photographs of HRH Gyalsey" (this is how we call the crown prince in Bhutan) were taken on Friday 19 February. Too cute, the baby which we do not yet know the name, it only shows, as well as both parents dressed in traditional outfits, or in the arms of his mom and his dad separately, on background of trees starting to bloom.

On the occasion of the Gyalsey's one month birthday this March 5th new photos' were release on the little one's parents'social media account. On this occasion the Gyalsey is being photograph with his parents and someone special Her Majesty the Royal Grandmother Kesang. The Royal Grand mother is the Gyalsey's great grand mother

La Cour Royale Bhoutanaise: Bienvenue a SAR Le Gyalsey)Prince Heritier

La famille royale du Bhoutan accueillent leur prince héritier Le Gyalsey (aucun nom n'a encore été donné) il y a un mois.

Ce fut à travers les réseaux sociaux que le bureau Le Druk Gyalpo roi Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck et sa charmante épouse la Druk Gyaltsuen reine Jetsun Pema annoncent la naissance du prince héritier du pays de l'Himalaya vendredi 5 Février.

Le lendemain, Sa Majesté a offert des prières prières au Tashichhodzong, Dechenphu Lhakhang, Pangri Zampa Lhakhang et le Gesar Lhakhang

Il a également été dévoilé ce 9 Février la première photo de leur bébe. La photo publiée sur le compte Facebook du jeune couple souverain montre le couple royal assis à l'extérieur en compagnie de leur nouveau-né, mais aussi le grand-père paternel de ce dernier, l'ex-roi de Thunder 4e Druk Gyalpo Jigme Singye Wangchuck. Tous les trois, en costumes traditionnels, portent un regard tendre sur le bébé royal enveloppé dans un drap jaune, un bonnet blanc sur la tête. Seule une partie de son visage est visible, indiquant que l'enfant endormi.
La photo est accompagnée d'un texte qui commence:. "Les familles bhoutanaises avaient une merveilleuse Losar (Nouvel An) aujourd'hui pour célébrer cette journée avec leur famille et leurs proches pour rendre la journée encore plus spéciale, nous avons l'honneur de porter à votre attention la première photo officielle de Son Altesse royale Gyalsey (Crown prince, Ed).

Les membres principal du gouvernement bhoutanais ont été reçu en audience par le roi à donner leur losar spécial (thanksgiving).

Le "Dragon King" Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck a célébré son 36e anniversaire et le premier anniversaire comme un nouveau papa le dimanche 19 Février. A cette occasion, le jeune monarque et sa charmante épouse Jetsun Pema, a dévoilé une série de photographies de leur bébé royal de plus de deux semaines.

La première photo du prince héritier du Bhoutan, né le 5 Février, 2016, a été posté par sa mère la reine Jetsun Pema quatre jours plus tard sur les réseaux sociaux. Le 25-year-old mom réitère Février partager des instantanés de son premier enfant sur sa page Facebook 21. Mais il se trouve à 12 images où le couple a marqué la journée avec le pays montrant une nouvelle histoire familiale.

Dans la légende, la reine Jetsun Pema explique que cette «collection de magnifiques photographies de SAR Gyalsey" (ce qui est la façon dont nous appelons le prince héritier du Bhoutan) ont été prises le vendredi 19 Février. Trop mignon, le bébé que nous ne connaissons pas encore le nom, il ne montre que, ainsi que les deux parents vêtus de costumes traditionnels, ou dans les bras de sa mère et son père séparément, sur fond d'arbres commencent à fleurir.

A l'occasion de l'anniversaire d'un mois du Gyalsey ce Samedi 5 Mars nouvelles photos "étaient de presse sur les parents de la petite un compte des médias sociaux. A cette occasion, le Gyalsey est en cours de photographie avec ses parents et quelqu'un de spécial Sa Majesté royale grand-mère Kesang. Le Royal Grand mère est arrière grand-mère de l'Gyalsey

The Bhutanese Royal Courts: Their Majesties trip around the villages

The Bhutanese Dragon King His Majesty King Jigme was in the village of Chhukha dzongkhag where he met with the people of Lobneykha (Chapcha), Darla, Meritsemo and Bongo during His Majesty’s Royal Tour.He granted Audiences to the people at various public gatherings, where His Majesty discussed every aspect of their lives with the people, asking them their thoughts on their regional development and opportunities. His Majesty also spent considerable time visiting people in their homes.
Today in Bongo, His Majesty granted Tokha(Audience) to the people of the entire gewog at the school grounds, and then visited the lhakhang and the people's homes. His Majesty also met with the people of Meritsemo, where His Majesty spent the night on the 18th. Later in the evening, His Majesty granted an Audience to the students and teachers of Pakshikha Central School.
His Majesty visited Darla gewog on 17th October and made an unscheduled stay after an overwhelming number of people came to meet their King.
The next day, His Majesty personally met all the people who were seeking His Majesty’s Kidu(Census), and heard their difficulties. He informed and reassure the people that their census and land related issues continued to be his priority, and would receive additional attention in the coming year. Over 9000 people have received census kidu since his’s reign began in 2006.
He then assured them that as their King, their welfare and those of the children, who are the future of Bhutan will be his outmost priority.
His Majesty’s Kidu Mobile Medical Unit set up camps in both Lobneykha and Darla, and treated patients from neighbouring areas. In Darla, His Majesty met hundreds of patients at the BHU where the medical camp was operating. His Majesty spent the remainder of the day visiting the people at their homes.
He began the Royal Visit to the villages from Lobneykha after having granted Land Kidu to the people of Chhukha at the Chhukha Dzong. His Majesty visited the village Lhakhang, individual homes and granted an Audience to the people at the village grounds in Lobneykha.

The Royal Courts Marriage Anniversary: Happy Anniversary to Bhutan's Dragon King and Queen

On the Spring of 2011, Bhutan's 31 yearl old  Druk Gyalpo Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck announce his marriage proposal to a young 20 year old Jetsun Pema this announcement brought delight, joy and celebration to all Bhutanese as their most highly eligible bachelor and king was now off the market.

4 years later and hands on hands teachings, government rules, tours around the country, speaking and learning more about their countryside and subjects, the Druk Gyalpo and Druk Gyaltsuen have been the epitome of ruling right and great charisma amongst all.

Royal Wedding Anniversary: 13th OctoberFor the people of Bhutan, our King and Queen embody Dignity and Grace, and all...
Posted by Jetsun Pema on Lunedì 12 ottobre 2015

La Cour Royale du Bhoutan: Un Nouveau Calendrier pour le mois

Octobre est enfin là et la Cour royale du Bhoutan libérer un autre calendrier nous bénir pour un nouveau mois. Une chose qui rend en mois plus spécial à tous les Bhoutanais est que célébrer l'anniversaire de mariage royal.

Calendrier gratuit de ce mois-ci dispose d'une photographie merveilleuse de Leurs Majestés prise le 14 Octobre 2011, lorsque, de voyager à Thimphu suivant le mariage royal à Punakha Dzong, Leurs Majestés personnellement reçu les voeux d'amour de centaines de milliers de personnes qui faisaient la queue sur l'autoroute entre Punakha et Thimphu.

The Royal Court of Bhutan: New Month New Calendar from their Majesties

October is finally here and the Bhutan Royal Court release another calendar blessing us in to a new month. One thing which makes to month more special to all Bhutanese is that celebrate the Royal Wedding Anniversary. 

This month’s free calendar features a wonderful photograph of Their Majesties taken on 14th October 2011, when, travelling to Thimphu following the Royal Wedding in Punakha Dzong, Their Majesties personally received the loving wishes of hundreds of thousands of people who lined up on the highway between Punakha and Thimphu.

The Royal Court of Bhutan: Her Majesty The Druk Gyualtsen Queen Jetsun Pema grants audience to Thai outgoing Ambassador

Her Majesty Queen Jetsun Pema granted an audience to Outgoing Thai Ambassador Her Excellency Madurapochana Ittarong. Bhutan and Thailand have enjoyed warm and friendly relations, predating the establishment of formal diplomatic relations in 1989. 

Thailand and Bhutan have always have good diplomatic relationship which goes way up to a few centuries back

In the mean times Bhutan Broadcasting Service announce on September 9th 2015 that Their Majesty the King Jigme and Queen Jetsun will be traveling to Phuentshogling to meet with the fire victims. Following the news of the incident, Their Majesties had immediately left this evening from Thimphu. According to BBS, two children died during the incidents

The Royal Courts of the Kingdom of Bhutan: What amazing photographic skills from King Jigme Khesar Namgyel

It seems like another royal has quite the skills not only infront of the camera but behind it as well. His Majesty The Druk Galypo King Jigme is known amongst the member of the Royal Entourage as one who carries his photography equipment during his tours and trekking paths around the Kingdom. Many of the photographs do have history as His Majesty The Druk Galypo takes photo of his subjects with details to them. This pictures were taken from the Royal Tour to Merak and Sakteng in May this year.




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