The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Royal Queen

The Royal Courts of Sweden: The Queen attends the conference Sweden against drugs

Thursday October 1, Her Majesty the Queen took part in the conference, Sweden on Drugs held in Landskrona Theatre. The Queen also visited an accommodation for unaccompanied youths.
The Conference of Sweden against drug underway October 1 to 2, and this year's main theme is to focus on and defend the vision of a drug-free society. The host of this year's conference is the city of Landskrona in cooperation with ECAD (European Cities Against Drugs) and another large number of Swedish popular movements.

According to Kungahuset.se The Queen gave the opening speech and said:

"There is nothing that hurts me so that when I meet children and young people who live in communities where drug abuse is part of daily life. In societies where it is manufactured, sold and abused drugs also creates poverty, corruption and misery. And this it is the children and youth who suffer the most. There are those that lose all of their faith, not only in the society they live in but also for us adults"




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