The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Princess Margriet

De retour au travail avec les Neerlandais au receptions de Nouvel An

Un mois s'est écoulé depuis que nous avons vu la famille royale hollandaise. Et c'est en face de la même porte, souriant comme toujours, la femme de 45 ans, vêtue d'un habit gris de Natan porté sur une jupe noire Natan associée à un dessus de moutarde jaune au bas des manches évasées avec des escarpins GIANVITO ROSSI, Se préparait avec son épouse royale à pénétrer dans la construction.

Le couple souverain a été rejoint par l'ex-reine Princesse Beatrix et sa sœur et tante du roi, la princesse Margriet, a honoré sa première nomination de l'année le mardi 17 janvier. Dans ce cas, la première des deux réceptions du Nouvel An accueillies par le roi Willem-Alexander et la reine Maxima des Pays-Bas, qui rassemble plusieurs centaines de personnalités de la société néerlandaise. Avec, pour ce millésime 2017, un honneur à la faculté.

La deuxième réception, prévue pour les diplomates étrangers et les membres des organisations internationales, suivra ce mercredi 18 Janvier 2017 également accueilli au Palais Royal d'Amsterdam.
Photo credits: Paris Match

New Years Receptions at Het Koninkjik Huis

A month has passed since we last saw the Dutch royals. And it is infront of the same door smiling as always, the 45-year-old woman, dressed in a Natan gray coat worn on a Natan grey skirt associated with a yellow mustard top at the bottom of the flared sleeves with GIANVITO ROSSI pumps, was preparing with her royal spouse to penetrate building.

The Sovereign couple was joined by former queen Princess Beatrix and her sister, Princess Margriet, honored her first appointment of the year on Tuesday, January 17th. In this case, the first of the two New Year receptions hosted by King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands, which brings together several hundred personalities from the Dutch society. With, for this vintage 2017, an honor to the faculty.

The second reception, intended for foreign diplomats and members of international organizations, will follow this Wednesday, January 18th 2017 also hosted at the Royal Palace of Amsterdam.
Photo credits: Paris Match

The Dutch Royal Courts: The Princess Margriet Award

The European Cultural Foundation (ECF) awards were hosted on March 15th  at the Stadsschouwburg  were the the Princess Margriet Award for Culture ceremony was awared.  Princess Margriet in attendance to give out the award. Her nephew Prince Constantijn and his wife Princess Laurentien who gave the opening speech. Princess Margriet is the former president of ECF, Princess Laurentien is the current. The award was initiated by ECF in 2008 and includes a sum of 25.000 Euros for each laureate.

La Cour Royale Neerlandais: Le Prix de la Princesse Margriet

La Fondation culturelle européenne (ECF) organise ce 16 Mars au Stadsschouwburg étaient la cérémonie, le Prix Princesse Margriet pour la culture a été décerné. Prinses Margriet présents pour donner la sentence. Son neveu Prins Constantijn et son épouse la Princesse Laurentien qui a prononcé le discours d'ouverture. La princesse Margriet est l'ancien président de l'ECF, la Princesse Laurentien est le courant.

The Dutch Royal Courts: National Volunteering Day

Having just returned from their state visit to France, The sovereign couple were on Saturday taking part in the National Voluteering Day which included a spring cleaning in a playground in Alphen aan den Rijn.
They had traded the glitz and glamour of the previous night for a pressure hose with one hand, a scrub brush on the other. As for her husband, King Willem-Alexander, also in jeans, he was pushing a wheelbarrow filled with sand.
Like every year,  Willem-Alexander and Maxima take part in all simplicity to NLdoet, Dutch National Volunteer Day organized by the Oranje Foundation. The King and Queen of the Netherlands had chosen to mobilize this year in Alphen aan den Rijn. On the program: cleaning play structures for children and filling of the sandbox of a recreational area created in 1951 in a district of this city of 73,000 souls between Leiden and Utrecht.

Willem-Alexander and Maxima werent the only members of the Dutch royal family to roll up their sleeves for the two days of national volunteering. On Friday, March 11, the former Queen now Princess Beatrix was handling a small paint roller in an equestrian therapy center for disabled and handicapped in Den Dolder on the outskirts of Utrecht, with Princess Aimée, the wife of her nephew Prince Floris who was armed with secateurs to cut branches with his cousin Prince Constantijn to make feasible the forest trails used by riders of this structure and the adapted carriage for people with multiple disabilities.
As for Princess Margriet she polished together her husband Professor Pieter van Vollenhoven venerable fire truck in a museum in Borculo, east of the country.
Photo Credits:Paris Match




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