The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Princess Madeleine

The State visit from Canada to Sweden Day 1

On Monday February 20th, the first state visit for 2017 for the Swedish royal family began. Their Majesties King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia joined by their children Prince Carl Philip and Princess Madeleine as well as their respectives Princess Sofia and Christopher O'Neil to welcome Canada's Governor General H.E David Johnston and his wife H.E Sharon Johnston to Stockholm. Unfortunately the Crown Princess couple Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel were not presents as they are on a private holiday abroad with their children Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar.

Madeleine appeared in a GIAMBATTISTA VALLI Appliquéd printed crepe dress she first wore at the King's birthday celebrations last year with her Gianvito Rossi velvet pumps(which she first wore at Prince Nicolas' baptism) and a new VALENTINO - THE ROCKSTUD LEATHER SHOULDER BAG - BLACK, the second in an ivory Agnona dress, head accessories by Ole Lynggaard (we have seen this on Crown Princess Mary of Denmark's hair), Salvatore Ferragamo MISS VARA MINI SAFFIANO LEATHER CHAIN BAG Thanks to our friends @Heavenlm and Sarah at theRoyalsandI. Queen Silvia, who in the evening was sky-blue as her daughter and wore her imposing diamond diadem, wore a turquoise suit. An outfit that did not stop her in the afternoon from playing basketball when she had taken Sharon Johnston to discover the Fryshuset. This activity center in the Swedish capital carries out preventive social work with young people in a vulnerable situation, with a view to their integration into society.

Together with their respective spouses Prince Carl Philip and Christopher O'Neill, the two young women of 32 and 34 years old participated in the State Banquet at the Royal Palace in Stockholm hosted by King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia for the Governor General Of Canada David Johnston and his wife Sharon. These are in Sweden for a four-day visit, at the invitation of the sovereign. Earlier in the day, the traditional reception ceremony for foreign guests took place.

She was truly superb in her night blue dress with collar and belt adorned with tone-on-tone pearls, the amethyst headband of the Swedish royal cassette resting on her jet hair. However, Princess Sofia of Sweden, was equally elegant on Monday, February 20th 2017 in the evening as well as her sister-in-law Princess Madeleine. The last born was literally sumptuous, adorned with the Aquamarine Kokoshnik tiara - a band of diamonds embellished with aquamarines which was once often worn by her grandmother the queen Sybille of Sweden - and its matching earrings. The mother of the little princess Leonore-who was celebrating her 3rd birthday -and prince Nicolas, aged 20 months, was dressed in a TEMPERLEY LONDON Crossbone Lattice Dress and Jimmy Choo Women's Metallic Mini 'charm' Clutch. Still on holiday abroad, with prince consort Daniel and their children Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar , crown princess Victoria of Sweden was not there to join in the beauty with her little sister Madeleine and their sister-in-law Sofia.
Photo credits: Paris Match

La Princess Madeleine et les enfants pour son premier travail de 2017

C'est une première! Ce mardi 14 février 2017, la princesse Madeleine de Suède a représenté la couronne suédoise sur le sol britannique. La plus jeune fille du couple souverain a inauguré une bibliothèque pour enfants au Southbank Centre de Londres à l'occasion du «Imagine Children's Festival» organisé chaque année pendant les vacances de février. Basée sur la littérature des pays nordiques, elle est basée sur le modèle pédagogique «Salle pour les enfants», développé au centre culturel de Kulturhuset à Stockholm.

Pour ce premier engagement officiel à Londres où elle réside avec sa petite famille depuis l'été 2015, Madeleine de Suède semble très heureuse et ravie de la mission qui lui était confiée. La jeune fille de 34 ans avait choisi pour ce rendez-vous de porter VILSHENKO (merci à notre amie Sarah chez RoyalsandI pour ID) une combinaison des deux dessus le FLORADITA IMPRIMÉ SOIE CREPE DE CHINE BLOUSE et le CAPE T-SHIRT avec une nouvelle Jupe plissée noire Valentino, ses bottes Miu Miu. Un nouvel embrayage blanc de la marque SAVAS-. Noire aussi, la veste de fourrure qu'elle portait à son arrivée et les bottes avec des lacets qu'elle avait enfilées. D'autre part. Une douzaine d'enfants l'attendaient. La mère de la princesse Leonore, qui fêtera son 3e anniversaire le 20 février, et le prince Nicolas, âgé de 19 mois, n'a pas supplié de s'agenouiller parmi ces tout-petits.

Cette bibliothèque est l'un des projets développés dans le cadre des «Questions nordiques», comprendre les questions nordiques. Refusé tout au long de l'année 2017 au Southbank Centre, ce festival vise à apporter aux nombreux visiteurs britanniques et étrangers de cette institution culturelle de Londres le meilleur de l'art nordique et de la culture à travers divers événements liés à la musique, la danse, le théâtre, les arts visuels, le design , Littérature ou gastronomie, débats et autres rencontres.
Photo Credits: Paris Match

Princess Madeleine's first official work in London

It's a first! This Tuesday, February 14,th 2017, Princess Madeleine of Sweden represented the Swedish crown on British soil. The youngest daughter of the Sovereign couple inaugurated a children's library at the Southbank Center in London on the occasion of the "Imagine Children's Festival" organized every year during the holidays of February. Based on the literature of the Nordic countries, it is based on the pedagogical model "Room for children", developed at the Kulturhuset cultural center in Stockholm.

For this first official engagement in London where she resides with her small family since the summer of 2015, Madeleine of Sweden appeared very happy. She seemed delighted with the mission entrusted to her. The young 34-year-old had chosen for this appointment to wear VILSHENKO(thanks to our friend Sarah at RoyalsandI for ID) a combination of the two tops the FLORADITA PRINTED SILK CREPE DE CHINE BLOUSE and the CAPE T-SHIRT with new Valentino black pleated skirt,  her Miu Miu boots. A new white clutch from the brand SAVAS- . Black also, the fur jacket she wore on her arrival and the boots with laces that she had put on. On the other hand. A dozen children awaited her. The mother of Princess Leonore, who will be celebrating her 3th birthday on 20th February, and Prince Nicholas, 19 months old, has not begged to kneel among these toddlers.

This library is one of the projects developed within the framework of "Nordic Matters", understand Nordic Questions. Declined throughout the year 2017 at the Southbank Center, this festival aims to bring to the many British and foreign visitors of this cultural institution of London the best of Nordic art and culture through various events related to Music, dance, theater, visual arts, design, literature or gastronomy, debates and other encounters.
Photo Credits: Paris Match




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