The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Princess Leonore

New Photos of Princess Leonore to mark her 3rd birthday

The official site of the Royal Family of Sweden, their Facebook page and their Instagram account, not forgetting of course the Facebook page of her mother Princess Madeleine. Little Princess Leonore has been everywhere last Monday. What's more normal! The adorable blonde is the queen of the day in the kingdom of her grandfather King Carl XVI Gustaf. This Monday, February 20th 2017, the granddaughter of the sovereign celebrated her third birthday

As is customary at the court of Sweden, this anniversary has been the subject of new official photos. Prince Nicholas's older sister was dressed in a powder-coated pink woolen dress with a pleated white pleated detailing and sleeves and pockets underlined with white by Janie and Jack. Her detached hair is adorned with a big pink bow and the little girl, in white tights, is shod with pink ballerinas.

On one of the shots, we see Princess Leonore staring with amazement at the balloons of balloon she holds attached to long ribbons. Among them, a big 3 silver color and a multicolored round balloon where a "Happy Birthday" in pink letters.

Born on February 20th, 2014 in New York, Princess Leonore is the first child of Princess Madeleine of Sweden, the youngest of King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia, and her husband the British-American banker Christopher O'Neill. The couple, who now lives in London, also has a son, Prince Nicolas, who was born in Stockholm on June 15th 2015.

The little princess Leonore now ranks seventh in succession to the Swedish crown. She retreated two places in 2016 after the birth of her two cousins, Princess Oscar-son of Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Consort Daniel - and Alexander - son of Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia.
Photo Credits:Brigitte Grenfeldt/ Kungahuset.se/Princess Madeleine/Facebook

Princess Madeleine and family joins Her parents at the Alps

It was already known that she was on holiday in the Swiss Alps at the beginning of 2017. But Princess Madeleine of Sweden confirmed this information and in the most beautiful way. The young 34 year old mother and youngest of Their Majesties's children posted on Tuesday, January 10th on her Facebook account four pictures of her children that appear to have been taken during their Swiss stay. These are accompanied by a little new year wishes from her little ones Leonore and Nicolas: "A very Happy New Year to you all from Leonore & Nicolas!" (A very happy new year For all of you on behalf of Leonore and Nicolas).

On one of the photographs, 18 months old Prince Nicolas Duke of Angermanland, standing on a wooden balcony, in an anorak and wearing a bonnet, against a backdrop of snow-capped peaks. Another picture shows the little boy, in ski suit, sitting in the snow, a wide smile illuminating his face. A photo that puts another to his older sister, Princess Leonore, 2 years and 10 months, in the same situation. Not jealous, the girl is also entitled to a second shot, this time inside. We see her drinking a chocolate with a straw. And the little greedy is really too crisp with milk froth around the mouth.

Princess Madeleine of Sweden, who lives in London, stayed during the first week of January in a ski resort of the Swiss Alps, with her husband the British-American banker Christopher O'Neill and their two children Princess Leonore and Prince Nicholas. They were accompanying her parents as H.R.H Princess Madeleine is very close to her mother. According to Swedish media, the princess spent the night at her mother the queen's bedside during her hospitalization, a little more than a week before. It is not surprising that she was also at her side when she was recovering in the Swiss mountains. And we imagine that the queen of Sweden was very happy with her youngest daughter and grandchildren Leonore and Nicolas whom she sees little in the snow. Unlike her elder sister and brother, Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Carl Philip, and their respective families, Madeleine and family do not live in Stockholm but in London.

La Cour Royale Suedoise: Nouveau Potraits de la petite nouvelle generation

Nouveaux portraits ont été communiqué pour la jeune génération de la famille royale à l'occasion de leurs anniversaires.
Son Altesse Royale la Princesse Estelle Février 23 2012:
Heureux 4ème anniversaire à Son Altesse Royale Estelle de Suède Duchesse de Östergötland . Né le 23 Février 2012 comme Estelle Silvia Ewa Mary à la princesse héritière Victoria, duchesse de Västergötland et Prince Consort Daniel Duc de Västergötland. Elle est le premier petit-enfant du roi Carl XVI Gustaf et la reine Silvia, et est deuxième dans la ligne de succession au trône de Suède.
Ses parrains étaient son oncle maternel, Prince Carl-Philip le duc de Värmland; sa tante paternelle, Anna Westling-Söderström, roi Willem Alexander, la princesse héritière Mary de Danemark; et le prince héritier Haakon de Norvège.

Elle est de style Son Altesse Royale la Princesse Estelle de la Suède, duchesse d'Östergötland.

Princesse Leonore de Suède (20e Février 2014):
 Joyeux 2ème anniversaire de la belle petite dame suédoise H.R.H Leonore de Suède, Duchesse de Götland. Né en 2014 comme Leonore Lilian Maria Bernadotte à H.R.H Madeleine de Suède et M. Christopher O'Neil. Elle est la petite-fille du roi Carl XVI Gustav et la reine Silvia. Elle est l'aînée de 2 enfants de son frère cadet est le prince Nicolas, duc de Angermanland. Le 8 Juin 2014 (le premier anniversaire de mariage de ses parents), Leonore a été baptisé dans la chapelle royale de Drottningholm dans la foi luthérienne. Ses parrains étaient sa tante maternelle, la princesse héritière Victoria, sa tante paternelle, Tatjana d'Abo; son oncle paternel, le comte Ernst Abensperg und Traun; le cousin de sa mère, Patrick Sommerlath; et les amis de ses parents, Alice Bamford et Louise Gottlieb. Elle est 5e dans la ligne au trône de Suède après sa tante la princesse héritière Victoria, cousine la princesse Estelle, oncle le prince Carl-Philip et maman. Mais dans quelques semaines peut passer à 7 après la naissance de deux nouveaux cousine
Photo: Brigitte Grenfeldt / Kungahuset.se

The Swedish Royal Courts: The youngest members and their new potraits

New portraits has been release for the youngest generation of the Royal Family on the occasion of their birthdays.
Her Royal Highness Princess Estelle February 23 2012: 
Happy 4th Birthday to Her Royal Highness Princess Estelle, Duchess of Östergötland. Born on February 23 2012 as Estelle Silvia Ewa Mary to Crown Princess Victoria, Duchess of Västergötland and Prince Consort Daniel
Duke of Västergötland. She is the first grandchild of King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia, and is second in line of succession to the Swedish throne.
Her godparents were her maternal uncle, the Duke of Värmland; her paternal aunt, Anna Westling-Söderström, King Willem Alexander, Crown Princess Mary of Denmark; and Crown Prince Haakon of Norway.
She is style Her Royal HighnessPrincess Estelle of Sweden, Duchess of Östergötland.

Princess Leonore, Duchess of Götland(February 20th 2014)
Happy 2nd Birthday to the lovely little Swedish lady H.R.H Princess Leonore, Duchess of Gotland. Born in 2014 as Leonore Lilian Maria Bernadotte to H.R.H Princess Madeleine, Duchess of Hälsingland and Gästrikland and Mr Christopher O'Neil. She is grand daughter to King Carl XVI Gustav and Queen Silvia. She is the eldest of 2 children her younger brother is Prince Nicholas, Duke of Angermanland. On 8 June 2014 (the first anniversary of her parents' wedding), Leonore was christened in the Royal Chapel of Drottningholm Palace into the Lutheran faith. Her godparents were her maternal aunt, Crown Princess Victoria, her paternal aunt, Tatjana d'Abo; her paternal uncle, Count Ernst Abensperg und Traun; her mother's cousin, Patrick Sommerlath; and friends of her parents, Alice Bamford and Louise Gottlieb. She is 5th in line to the Swedish Throne after her aunt Crown Princess Victoria, cousin Princess Estelle, uncle Prince Carl-Philip and mom. But in a couple of weeks may shift to 7th after the birth of two new cousin
Photo: Brigitte Grenfeldt / Kungahuset.se

La Cour Royale Suedoise: Le Bapteme du Prince Nicolas et les Deux ESPIÈGLES MINI-PRINCESSES

Né le 15 juin 2015 à 13h45 à l'hôpital Danderyd de Stockholm, Son Altesse Royale, Le Prince Nicolas Paul Gustaf, duc d'Ångermanland, qui aura bientôt quatre mois a ete baptise hier Dimanche 11 Octobre a la chapelle du château de Drottningholm. Il est le fils de la Princesse Madeleine et Mr. Chris O'Neil.

Aussi présence à la cérémonie étaient ses grands-parents le roi Gustaf, la reine Silvia, Mme Eva O'Neil (grand-mère paternelle) Ses tantes et oncle Princesse Héritière Victoria, Princesse Sofia, le prince héritier Daniel, 3 ans princesse Estelle (cousin maternel) et son de 2 ans sœur aînée, la Princesse Leonore.

Lors de la cérémonie le monogramme du jeune prince était communiqué et l'ordonnance des Séraphins aujourd'hui, ce qui signifie qu'il obtient de porter ce bébé écharpe. Quelque chose qui m'a eu dans tous mes émotions était lorsque la princesse Estelle (qui avait un mini chaise semblable à ses parents assis entre eux) surpris ses parents et ceux qui observaient réalisé son cousin Nicolas était inconsolable couru hors et revint à remettre M. Chris O'Neil avec une tétine.
Photo Credits: Kungahuset.se




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