The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Princess Leonor

The Spanish Royal Courts: First royal engagement for the Princess of Asturias with dad

Nobody expected it. On Wednesday evening King Felipe VI of Spain was accompanied by his daughter Crown Princess Leonor Princess of Asturias to watch a semi-final football match of the Champions League.

"Until now, no one knew that the Princess of Asturias, 10 years old, loved football," noted the Spanish daily "El Pais" on April 27 in an article published after the match between in the semi-final of the champions League Atletico Madrid to Bayern Munich. It was indeed a real surprise for all to see get the little princess Leonor Wednesday night at Vicente Calderón stadium in Madrid where the match is disputed. This was the first time that the future queen of Spain sat in the Royal Box a field to witness a match and, it could not be otherwise, all eyes and camera lenses were fixed on it.
 It was the first time that the eldest daughter of King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia of Spain attending a football match, and more generally to a sporting event. In addition, it was also the first time that the heir to the Spanish crown was on a public act only in King's company, his father.

Dressed in a Nanos gray pants and Eli ballerinas and a mottled black and white Pili Carrera coat, white Nanos, Princess Leonor took place beside the king in the royal box of the stadium. And despite his young age, the girl did not seem at all intimidated to rub shoulders with the authorities and the coach of the Spanish football team Vicente del Bosque.
Photo Credits:Paris Match

The Swedish Royal Courts: A new portrait for family

Princess Madeleine shared a new photo of her son Prince Nicolas, Duke of Angermanland with a message on her official Facebook page on March 18th. "Time is flying can't believe my sweet Nicolas is 9 months!"

At just 5 days old we had new portraits of Prince Oscar, new photographs were released by Kingahuset (the royal palace of Sweden) was quickly followed by a couple others, the first listed his parents, his second sister Princess Estelle(whose picture we have seen in a Marie Chantal dress on newly released Postal Stamps). Standing side by side, in a fuchsia dress Crown Princess Victoria and Crown Prince Daniel set before the camera, a slight smile. However, this is a broad smile sported their little Estelle, photographed bust in a white dress with short sleeves.

Other members of the Swedish royal family also had their portraits updated at the beginning of 2016. Her Majesty Queen Silvia was immortalized on film in a white skirt suit, as her youngest daughter Princess Madeleine and her daughter in law Princess Sofia -pregnant with their first child-appear on their new official photographs in elegant evening dresses in blue lace and wearing tiaras. We recognize the outfits they wore respectively on  December 10th and 11th 2015 on the occasion dinners given for Nobel

The little Princess Leonore, daughter of Princess Madeleine and her husband Christopher O'Neill, is not far behind. She also got a new portrait to mark her two years on 20 February. Three days later it was the turn of his cousin Princess Estelle of having her taking for her 4 years, taking one pose and in Victoria mom and dad Daniel company.
Photo Credit: Kungahuset.se/Anna-Lena Ahlström/Rosie Alm

The Swedish Royal Courts: The youngest members and their new potraits

New portraits has been release for the youngest generation of the Royal Family on the occasion of their birthdays.
Her Royal Highness Princess Estelle February 23 2012: 
Happy 4th Birthday to Her Royal Highness Princess Estelle, Duchess of Östergötland. Born on February 23 2012 as Estelle Silvia Ewa Mary to Crown Princess Victoria, Duchess of Västergötland and Prince Consort Daniel
Duke of Västergötland. She is the first grandchild of King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia, and is second in line of succession to the Swedish throne.
Her godparents were her maternal uncle, the Duke of Värmland; her paternal aunt, Anna Westling-Söderström, King Willem Alexander, Crown Princess Mary of Denmark; and Crown Prince Haakon of Norway.
She is style Her Royal HighnessPrincess Estelle of Sweden, Duchess of Östergötland.

Princess Leonore, Duchess of Götland(February 20th 2014)
Happy 2nd Birthday to the lovely little Swedish lady H.R.H Princess Leonore, Duchess of Gotland. Born in 2014 as Leonore Lilian Maria Bernadotte to H.R.H Princess Madeleine, Duchess of Hälsingland and Gästrikland and Mr Christopher O'Neil. She is grand daughter to King Carl XVI Gustav and Queen Silvia. She is the eldest of 2 children her younger brother is Prince Nicholas, Duke of Angermanland. On 8 June 2014 (the first anniversary of her parents' wedding), Leonore was christened in the Royal Chapel of Drottningholm Palace into the Lutheran faith. Her godparents were her maternal aunt, Crown Princess Victoria, her paternal aunt, Tatjana d'Abo; her paternal uncle, Count Ernst Abensperg und Traun; her mother's cousin, Patrick Sommerlath; and friends of her parents, Alice Bamford and Louise Gottlieb. She is 5th in line to the Swedish Throne after her aunt Crown Princess Victoria, cousin Princess Estelle, uncle Prince Carl-Philip and mom. But in a couple of weeks may shift to 7th after the birth of two new cousin
Photo: Brigitte Grenfeldt / Kungahuset.se

The Swedish Royal Courts: Princess Madeleine with other young princesses

Princess Madeleine and My Big Day invited young school children at the Royal Palace. The foundation My Big Day's vision is: "All children with serious illnesses in Sweden should be a part of something positive out of the ordinary that provides power and self-esteem in a heavy day." Princess Madeleine is My Big Day royal patrons .
For the occasion Her Royal Highness wore the outfit she wore at the last year Nobel Prize meeting  a blue grey long dress by FADI EL KHOURY, box clutch by Jimmy Choo. When I mean by match her outfits it will be by doing this she borrow her aunt Princess Margaretha's Swedish Aquamarine Kokoshnik Tiara,
We last saw Her royal Highness and her mother Queen Silvia last week attending  a meeting with the International Council of World Childhood Foundation, at the Royal Palace
Another little princess was present, Princess Madeleine's daughter with husband Christopher O'Neil who celebrated her second birthday on Saturday Princess Leonor. She is in a pink dress
Photo Credits: Kate Gabor, Kungahuset.se
A photo posted by Kungahuset (@kungahuset) on

La Cour Royale Suedoise: LA Princess Madeleine avec des petites princesses

Princesse Madeleine et My Big Day invités jeunes écoliers au Palais royal. La vision de la fondation My Big Day est: «Tous les enfants atteints de maladies graves en Suède devraient être une partie de quelque chose de positif hors de l'ordinaire qui fournit la puissance et l'estime de soi dans une journée lourde." Princesse Madeleine est la marraine royale de My Big Day.
Pour l'occasion Son Altesse Royale portait le costume qu'elle portait lors de la réunion du Prix Nobel de l'année dernière d'un bleu gris longue robe par Fadi El KHOURY, boîte d'embrayage par Jimmy Choo. Quand je veux dire match par ses tenues il sera, ce faisant, elle emprunte sa tante suédoise Aquamarine kokoshnik Tiara princesse Margaretha,
Nous avions vus Son Altesse royale et sa mère la reine Silvia la semaine dernière ou sont assister à une réunion avec le Conseil international de la World Childhood Foundation, au Palais Royal
Une autre petite princesse était présent, la fille de la princesse Madeleine avec son mari Christopher O'Neil qui a fêté son deuxième anniversaire le samedi princesse Leonor. Elle est dans une robe rose
Photo Credits: Kate Gabor, Kungahuset.se
A photo posted by Kungahuset (@kungahuset) on

The Spanish Royal Courts: A Christmas Card honor

Princess Leonor, Princess of Asturias and Infanta Sofia are on this year 2015 Christmascard. The text: Every day there is a reason for hope and harmony in our hearts. That the ideals of Christmas always illuminate that path. 07 December 2015
Photo Credits: Casa Del Rey

La Cour Royale Espagnole: Une Carte de Noel tres speciale

Princesse Leonor, Princesse des Asturies et l'Infante Sofia sont sur La Carte de Voeux de Noel de cette année. Le texte: Chaque jour, il ya une raison pour l'espoir et l'harmonie dans nos cœurs. Que les idéaux de Noël illuminent toujours ce chemin. 07 Décembre ici à 2015
Photo Credits: Casa Del Rey

The Swedish Royal Courts: The future Swedish Royal generations(Princess Estelle and Princess Leonore)

While Princess Estelle, Duchess of Östergötland, daughter of Crown Princess Victoria, sends us her Fall greetings from Stockholm, her cousin Princess Leonore is with her mum Princess Madeleine at Christmas market in wrapped in London.

Dressed in a gray jacket, a matching pale pink woolen cap and scarf with small boots on, Princess Estelle, Duchess of Östergötland went for a walk around the Haga Castle Park where she lives with her parents Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and  Crown Prince Daniel. Very elegant in its two-tone look, the granddaughter of King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia and second in line to the throne, who will soon have a little brother or sister, took advantage of its natural setting for laying before the photographer Kate Gabor for a series of photographs for the Swedish royal family website. And the least we can say is that Estelle, second in the order of succession to the Swedish crown after her mother Crown Princess Victoria, was very comfortable on camera.

The three other photos put online this Monday, November 23 under the title "Autumn Greetings Haga" the show also feeding the ducks on the shore of Lake Brunnsviken bordering the Haga Park, holding in his hand a dead leaf and simply laughing.
Just three days before Princess Madeleine of Sweden had indeed posted on her Facebook page a photograph, her daughter Princess Leonore Duchess of Gotland in her arms, while both participated in the inauguration of the Christmas market in the Swedish Church in London where she now lives with her little family.
Princess Madeline OOTD

  •  ZARA Printed Blouse    

Photo Credits: Kungahusets.se

The Spainish Royal Court: Spain National Day

Their Majesties, who were accompanied by their daughters, Their Royal Highnesses Princess of Asturias, Princess Leonore and the Infanta Sofía, presided over the ceremony in homage to the National Flag and the military parade held in the Plaza de Canovas del Castillo.
Photo Credits: Casa del Rey,

Later, Their Majesties offered at the Royal Palace of Madrid the traditional Memorial Day reception the National Day.




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