The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Princess Lalla Soukaina

The Royal Courts of Morrocco: A huge Double Congratulations to PRINCESS LALLA SOUKAÏNA

Princess Lalla Soukaïana, daughter of Princess Lalla Meryem, elder sister to King Mohammed VI of Morocco, gave birth this Sunday, September 27 in Paris to twins.

As is customary, the sex and name of infants, the first children of the Princess, will be unveiled on the occasion of their Muslim baptism, set seven days after their arrival in the world. It will therefore take place this Sunday, October 4th. It will be held in the French capital Paris in the presence of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the uncle of the young mother.

 According to the British tabloid "Hello!", The king of Morocco has already seen the baby after the birth of his niece, who made a return trip to Paris earlier this week.




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