The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Princess Lalla Khadija

The Moroccan Royal Courts: Princess Lalla Salma and children on holidays in Dakhla

HRH Princess Lalla Salma was honored in a photo posted on the Facebook page of Hotel Dakhla Attitude Beach Club. The wife of the King Mohammed VI seen with sunglasses, was at the center of a group of men, women and children. Among them are the royal couple children, Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan who turns 13 in May, and 9 year old Princess Lalla Khadija . The snapshot is not a stolen picture. The princess and her family pose in outfits surfing in front of the goal on the beach, with bodyguards and sports instructors.
In this picture shared on social networks in three other on which one can see the young prince, first in the order of succession to the Moroccan throne. The town legend in these four images emphasizes that the hotel Dakhla Attitude "had the great honor and rare privilege" to welcome Lalla Salma and her children on holiday and all the staff of the institution "is honored to have been privileged to accompany "stay" stay during which their Royal Highnesses have practiced kitesurfing, sport that radiates Dakhla. "




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