The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Princess Lalla Joumala style

The Moroccan Royal Family: Princess Lalla Joumala, the Princess and the Ambassador

During the Council of Ministers chaired on Saturday February 6th in the southern city of Laayoune, King Mohammed VI appointed some 40 new Ambassadors to several foreign capitals.

Amongst those appointed was Princess Lalla Joumala Morocco current's ambassador to the United Kingdom since 2009. If confirmed, Her Royal Highness and diplomat will be sent to Washington D.C in the United States to replace Rachad Bouhlal.

Who is Princess Lalla Joumalla?
H.R.H is the maternal first cousin and the paternal second cousin of King Mohammed VI; daughter of Prince Moulay Ali (a cousin to King Hassan II(King Mohammed VI's father) and Princess Lalla Fatima Zohra, the eldest daughter of Mohammed V, half-sister of King Hassan II and aunt of King Mohammed VI.

Lalla Joumala’s parents had a special relationship with the ruling family, as her father, Prince Moulay Ali, had shared with the royal family the ordeal of exile in Madagascar, from August 1953 to November 1955 and built up a strong friendship with the then Prince Moulay Hassan. This friendship stood up to the test of time when the Prince became King of Morocco in 1961 and also bound King Mohammed VI and his cousins, Moulay Abdallah, Moulay Youssef and their eldest sister Lalla Joumala.




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