The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Princess Basma

LA COur Royale Jordanienne: Deux brieving avec des initiatives de bienfaisance pour la Princess Basma

SAR la Princesse Basma était dans la capitale jordanienne Amman a l'est de la ville et a 30km au sud ouest dans la ville de Madaba, le 30 Mars vérifier sur deux initiatives de bienfaisance.
Alors que dans la région Amman Jabal Al Taj, elle a rencontré l'équipe de l'initiative de «Al Harah» a été informé par l'équipe d'initiative sur les effets positifs du projet, lancé en 2005, sur les zones ciblées pour renforcer les valeurs de solidarité sociale et le travail bénévole.
Alors que environ 30km au sud-ouest d'Amman dans la ville de Madaba, la princesse a visité Jidar Al Khair, un organisme de bienfaisance lancé en 2014 et vise à fournir des vêtements aux étudiants défavorisés et réfugiés syriens.
L'initiative implique l'affichage des vêtements a fait don de deux écoles dans le gouvernorat chaque lundi et jeudi pour ceux qui ont besoin de prendre gratuitement.

The Jordanian Royal Courts: Princess Basma given a briefing on charity initiatives

HRH Princess Basma was out in in the Jordanian capital Amman east of the city and Madaba on March 30th checking on two charitable initiatives.
While in Amman’s Jabal Al Taj area, she met with the initiative team from “Al Harah”  was briefed by initiative team on the positive effects of the project, launched in 2005, on targeted areas in enhancing the values of social solidarity and volunteer work.
While about 30km southwest of Amman in the city of Madaba, the princess visited Jidar Al Kair, a charity launched in 2014 and aims at providing clothing to underprivileged students and Syrian refugees.
The initiative entails displaying donated clothes at two schools in the governorate every Monday and Thursday for those in need to take for free.

The Jordanian Royal Courts: Princess Basma honors female Journalist

HRH Princess Basma, in her capacity of honorary chairperson of the Arab Media Women's Center (AMWC), on Wednesday March 9th honored distinguished Arab women who work in media.

At a ceremony hosted by the Center on the occasion of the Arab Women Media Day and the International Women's Day, several success stories of women in media were highlighted.

Arab Media Women’s Day is observed annually to highlight the need for more efforts to bridge the gap between official and public discourse through promoting a balanced image of women in the region, and contributing to transforming social behaviour against them.

Princess Basma was presented with the recommendations of the 12th Arab women media conference, which was held recently.

AMWC was established in 1999 under Princess Basma’s directives as a non-government organisation specialized in empowering Arab female journalists through training, research and media consultations.

*Princess Basma is the current king Abdullah II's paternal aunt. 




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