The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Princess Astrid No

The Norwegian Royal Courts: Diplomatic Dinner reception

The Norwegian Sovereign couple King Harald VI and Queen Sonja hosted the annual diplomatic corps dinner reception at the Royal Palace in Oslo. This dinner is held annually for the newest appointed Foreign diplomats. Also in attendance was the King's sister Princess Astrid, the couple's son Crown Prince Haakon accompanied by his spouse Crown Princess Mette-Maritt.

For the occasion the royal ladies dressed to impressed with an additional tiara. Crown Princess Mette-Marit recycle her red Emilio Pucci lace dress, with a matching red Valentino pumps and a clutch 

La Cour Royale Norvegienne: Le Diner de reception Diplomatique

Le couple souverain norvégien le Roi Harald VI et la reine Sonja a accueilli la réception de dîner annuelle du corps diplomatique au Palais Royal à Oslo. Ce dîner est organisé chaque année pour les nouveaux diplomates étrangers nommés. Aussi présents était la sœur du roi la Princesse Astrid, le fils du couple Prince héritier Haakon accompagné de son épouse la Princesse héritière Mette-Marit.
Pour l'occasion, les dames royales vêtus de impressionné par une tiare supplémentaire. Princesse héritière Mette-Marit recycler sa robe rouge  de dentelle Emilio Pucci, avec pompes rouge Valentino correspondant et une pouchette

La Famille Royale Norvegienne: La Famille Royale a la coupe du monde de Ski

Dimanche 7 Février la famille royale norvégienne donc le roi Harald V, son epouse la reine Sonja, sa soeur la princesse Astrid, sa belle-fille Princesse héritière Mette Marit, ses petits enfants le prince Sverre Magnus et la princesse Ingrid Alexandra assisté à la Coupe du monde FIS de Holmenkollen Nordic le 7 Février, 2016 Oslo, Norvège.
Coupe du monde FIS est le monde Fédération Internationale de Ski
Photo Credits: zimbio

The Norwegian Royal Courts: Queen Sonja and Crown Princess Mette-Marit in tiaras at Annual Parliamentary Dinner

Thursday evening was held at Royal Palace, Oslo traditional annual parliamentary dinner.

Established in 1906 by King Haakon VII, it gathers around the royal family and representatives of the Norwegian people. For the occasion, Crown Princess Mette-Marit, wife of Crown Prince Haakon of Norway, had chosen to wear a white dress with short sleeves with a very fine lace patchwork. It was signed by Peter Dundas, the Norwegian artistic director of the Italian fashion house Emilio Pucci. She was accompanied by a diamond tiara, the "crown daisies" the same simplistics tiara she wore at her wedding.

On the arms of King Harald V, Queen Sonja was displayed in a sumptuous royal blue dress. Side jewelry, she opted for the ornament in pearls and diamonds Queen Maud. In a pink and gold gown, Princess Astrid, the great King's sister who was moving with crutches, meanwhile wore a curious head of jewel-like insect antennae.
photo credits: Paris Match




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