The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Princess Aiko

The Japanese Imperial Family: The Imperiale Crown Prince Family at the Botticelli and His Time exhibition

The Imperial Crown Prince Family, His Imperial Highness Crown Prince Naruhito accompanied by his wife and daughter Their Imperial Highnesses Crown Princess Masako and Princess Aiko visited the 'Botticelli and His Time' exhibition at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum on March 14th in Tokyo, Japan. Sandro Botticelli is known for his paintings of elegantly beautiful Madonnas and goddesses of myth. This exhibition is an event commemorating the 150th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Italy.

The Japanese Imperial Courts: The Crown Prince Family attend a movie premiere

Japan's Imperial Crown Prince family, Their Imperial Highness Crown Prince Naruhito accompanied by his wife Crown Princess Masako and their daughter Princess Aiko attended the screening of 'The Summit of the Gods', a charity screening for the Nepal earthquake victims, in Tokyo, Japan. Before the screening, the Crown Prince Family met with the film crew. The Summit of the Gods is a manga series written and illustrated by Jiro Taniguchi
Photo Credits: Asahi

The Royal Court of Japan- The Imperial Crown family goes on holiday

The Imperial Crown family, Imperial Crown Prince Naruhito, Imperial Crown Princess Masako and their daughter HIH Princess Aiko were seen two days ago, at the Izukyu Shimoda train Station in Shizuoka Prefecture in Centre Japan where they were received by a crowd of about 600 people to send their warm blessings.

The Imperial Crown family was enroute to the Suzaki Imperial Villa in Shimoda city where they are planning on spending for one week.

We wish the Imperial Crown Family a happy holiday




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