The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Prince Vincent

Royal Birthday Shoutout of the Day: H.R.H Catherine Duchess of Cambridge and other Royal celebrations

Madam Royal wishes a glamorous, glorious and joyful birthday to Her Royal Highness Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge. Born as in Jan 9th 1982 as Catherine Elizabeth Middleton to Micheal and Carol Middleton at the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading. The Duchess is the oldest of three children with James and Pippa Middleton. She met H.R.H Prince William while studying at St. Andrews University in 2001 and ten years later on April 29th 2011, the lovely couple married at Westminster Abbey. Six years later they are proud parents of two little ones T.R.H Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge(Born July 22nd 2013) and Princess Charlotte Elisabeth Diana(Born May 2nd 2015). Her title and style is Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge, Countess of Strathearn and Lady Carrickfergus.

Other Birthday Celebrations for the weekend include: On Sunday Jan 8th, T.R.H Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine of Denmark celebrated their 6th birthday. For this occasion the Crown Prince couple Crown Prince Fredrick and Crown Princess Mary and the Royal Household release new photos to mark this occasion. Photo credits: The Danish Monarchy/Pernille Rohde, PR PHOTO ©
On Saturday Jan 7th, H.R.H Princess Sirivannari of Thailand who was celebrating her 30th birthday. H.R.H is the daughter of newly crowned King Rama X also known as King Maja Vajiralongkorn and Sujarinee Vivacharawongse. Also on Saturday was celebrated the Fifth birthday of H.R.H Sheikh Zayed bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum of Dubai son of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Emir of Dubai & son of Princess Haya bint Al Hussein of Jordan

La Cour Royale Danoise: Les 76e anniversaire de la Reine Margrethe II

Samedi dernier, 16 Avril la Reine Margrethe II du Danemark a souffle sur sa 76ème bougie. La possibilité d'apparaître sur le balcon avec ses fils et belles-filles et petits-enfants.
L'année dernière, à l'occasion de l'anniversaire de 75 ans, la reine Margrethe II du Danemark avait fait des choses dans la grandeur. Elle avait invité ses homologues royales lors d'un dîner de gala dans le château de Christiansborg à Copenhague. Et en dehors de la famille royale britannique et les familles royales monégasques et le Liechtenstein, tous les souverains européens étaient présents.

Cette année, la reine Margrethe a soufflé ses 76 bougies discrètement. Ce qui est arrivé avec la famille. Et, comme le veut la tradition, l'événement a été marqué par une apparition de la reine et toute sa famille sur le balcon du château de Christiansborg pour saluer la foule à 12 heures, le changement de la garde.

Pour ce moment spécial, la reine Margrethe II a opté pour une robe bleu bleu. Sa belle fille la Princesse heritiere Mary a attiré tous les regards dans son manteau fuchsia crêpe de laine GOAT, Chemisier ELISE GUG , jupe Egelund JENSEN. Son autre belle fille Princesse Marie était quant à elle dans une crème manteau TARA JARMON.

Si la reine du Danemark a pu compter sur la présence à ses côtés de son fils et filles-frère et son mari, le prince Henrik, elle a eu la joie d'être entouré de ses huit petits-enfants âgés de 4 à 16 ans Nikolai, Felix, Christian, Isabella, Henrik, les jumeaux Vincent et Josephine, Athena.

La nuit, il était de montrer Margrethe et Henrik. Le couple royal avait en effet assisté à une représentation du ballet "Roméo et Juliette" au Théâtre royal danois.
Crédits photo: Paris Match

The Danish Royal Courts: The 76th birthday of Queen Margrethe

Last Saturday, April 16th Queen Margrethe II of Denmark took 76 years. The opportunity to appear on the balcony with his son and daughters-and grandchildren.
Last year, to mark the anniversary of 75 years, Queen Margrethe II of Denmark had done things in grandeur. She had invited her royal counterparts at a gala dinner in the Christiansborg Castle in Copenhagen. And apart from the British royal family and the Monegasque royal families and Liechtenstein, all European sovereigns were present.

This year Queen Margrethe blew her 76 candles discreetly. This happened with the family. And, as is tradition, the event was marked with an apparition of the Queen and her entire family on the balcony of the Christiansborg Castle to greet the crowd at 12 pm, the changing of the guard.

On this special moment, Queen Margrethe II opted for a blue dress blue. Daughter in law Crown Princess Mary attracted all eyes in her fuchsia GOAT Wool Crepe Coat, ELISE GUG Blouse,           EGELUND JENSEN Skirt. Her other daughter-in-law Princess Mary meanwhile was in a cream TARA JARMON coat.

If the Queen of Denmark had been able to count on the presence at her side of his son and daughters-in-law and her husband Prince Henrik, she had the joy to be surrounded by her eight grandchildren aged from 4 to 16 years Nikolai, Felix, Christian, Isabella, Henrik, twins Vincent and Josephine, Athena.

At night, it was to show Margrethe and Henrik. The royal couple had indeed attended a performance of the ballet "Romeo and Juliet" at the Royal Danish Theatre.
Photo Credits: Paris Match




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