The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Prince Alexander Se

The Swedish Royal Courts: Official Photos of Prince Alexander *May 13th post

His first official portrait at the age of three days, showed him being asleep. If the five new pictures of the little prince Alexander of Sweden revealed that 13 May by the Royal House the baby always has his eyes closed, he takes revenge pose in front of the company photographer of his parents and Siri, the dog family.

Three of these images are in color. On two of them, Prince Carl Philip, in a gray suit, and the Princess Sofia, in white dress, are inside, wearing one then the other their children in their arms. The third, Sofia, is wearing a top from H&M and trousers from Tiger of Sweden, is on a garden bench, holding the couple dog, while Alexander slept peacefully on Carl Philip's lap.

Two other photographs, in black and white, complete the series. On one, we can see the infant in the arms of his mother who was in a new white dress from Lindex, the other in those of his father.

Prince Hubertus Alexander Erik Bertil of Sweden is the first child of Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia. He was born Tuesday, April 19, 2016 at 18:25 at Danderyd Hospital, commune on the outskirts of Stockholm. At his birth, he weighed 3.595 kg and measured 49 cm.

Baby Carl Philip and Sofia is the fifth grandchild of King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia of Sweden. These were already grandparents of two children Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel -the consort Princess Estelle, 4, and Prince Oscar, 2 months- and two children of Princess Madeleine and Christopher O ' Neill -The Princess Leonore, 2 years, and Prince Nicolas, 11 months.
Photo Credits:  Erika Gerdemark, The Royal Court, Sweden

La Cour Royale Suedoise: La nouvelle photo officiel et le service Te Deum

Eh bien enveloppé dans une couverture blanche et même bouchon de couleur rabattu sur sa tête, le petit prince Alexander pas livré une petite partie de son anatomie le mercredi 20 Avril. Photographié avec ses parents le prince Carl Philip de Suède et sa femme Sofia princesse, née Hellqvist, juste à l'extérieur de la maternité, le lendemain de sa naissance, le nouveau bébé royal de la Cour suédoise découvrir à gauche que ses yeux fermés et un petit bout de son nez .

Si l'enfant est encore endormi à pas fermé sur le deuxième plan publié par la Maison royale de Suède, il montre d'autre part parfaitement son joli visage et ses cheveux noirs comme sa mère et son père. Allongé dans le berceau blanc dans le nouveau domicile du couple royal sur la zone de Drottningholm, le bébé, qui était seulement 3 jours, n'a pas été dérangé le moins quand Carl Philip a pris la photo de ce premier portrait officiel.

Le premier enfant du prince Carl Philip et la princesse Sofia est né ce mardi, 19 Avril, 2016 au 18:25 à l'hôpital Danderyd, commune à la périphérie de Stockholm. A sa naissance, il pesait 3.595 kg et mesurait 49 cm. Selon les utilisations à la Cour de Suède, son nom a été très officiellement dévoilé ce jeudi, 21 Avril en fin de matinée, dans le cadre d'une réunion du Cabinet au Palais Royal. A côté de sa fille aînée Princesse héritière Victoria, le roi Carl XVI Gustaf a annoncé que le nom du garçon était Alexander Erik Bertil Hubertus et il portait le titre de prince de Suède et duc de Sodermanland.

Le vendredi, un service Te Deum a été célébré en l'honneur du prince Alexandre fils du prince Carl Philip et la princesse Sofia.

Pendant quatre jours, le prince Alexandre, le fils du prince Carl Philip de Suède et son épouse la princesse Sofia, est honoré à Stockholm. Chaque jour était en effet un événement. Après sa naissance mardi Avril 19ème siècle. Mercredi Avril 20e de sa première apparition publique à la sortie de la maternité avec ses parents. Jeudi 21ème Avril, la divulgation de son nom et ses titres par son grand-père le roi Carl XVI Gustaf. Et ce vendredi 22, Avril, la nouvelle Cour royale de bébé de la Suède a réuni la famille royale, ainsi que celle de Sofia, à la chapelle du Palais royal de Stockholm. Comme le veut la tradition, il y avait un Te Deum célébré à l'occasion de sa naissance.

Le héros du jour, le petit prince Alexandre était évidemment absent, tout comme maman la belle princesse Sofia. aussi étaient tante disparue princesse Madeleine et son mari Christopher O'Neill, ce dernier séjour à Londres. Princesse héritière Victoria est venue avec son mari, le prince Daniel, mais sans ses enfants, rayonnant aux côtés de son frère cadet, le prince Carl Philip, dans son manteau LK BENNETT avec une nouvelle robe jupe BAUM & PFERGARTEN et d'embrayage haut et ABRO, ses cheveux décoré avec un grand arc . Outre le roi Carl XVI Gustaf et la reine Silvia en costume blanc cassé, la famille royale suédoise a été représentée par la princesse Christina, l'un de la sœur du roi, et son mari Tord Magnuson, ainsi que la comtesse Marianne Bernadotte et Dagmar von Arbin, nee Bernadotte . La première d'une ancienne actrice est la veuve du comte Sigvard Bernadotte de Wisborg, un des oncles du souverain. La seconde, qui fêtera son 100e anniversaire, est un cousin du père de Carl XVI Gustaf.

De son côté maternel, ses grands-parents Mary et Erik Hellqvist, son arriere grand-mère Britt Rotman et deux tantes Lina et Sara ont assisté à la cérémonie religieuse. Notez la présence de Patrick Sommerlath, un des neveux de la reine Silvia, et son épouse Maline. Avait également eu lieu dans la chapelle royale divers représentants officiels de la Suède, y compris le Premier ministre et le président du suédois- Parlement et le personnel de la Cour.

Photo Credits: Kungahuset.se/Paris MAtch/Prince Carl-Philip,Duke of Varmland

The Swedish Royal Courts: Te Deum Service and First Official Photograph

Well wrapped in a white blanket and same color cap pulled down over his head, the little prince Alexander not delivered a small part of his anatomy on Wednesday 20 April. Photographed with his parents Prince Carl Philip of Sweden and his wife Sofia princess, born Hellqvist, just outside of motherhood, the day after his birth, the new Royal Baby of the Swedish Court left discover that her eyes closed and a small tip of his nose.

If the infant is still asleep to not closed on the second shot released by the Royal House of Sweden, it shows on the other hand perfectly her pretty face and her black hair like her mom and her dad. Lying in white cradle in the new home of the royal couple on the area of ​​Drottningholm Palace, the baby, who was only 3 days, was not bothered in the least when Carl Philip took the photo this first official portrait.

The first child of Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia was born this Tuesday, April 19, 2016 at 18:25 at Danderyd Hospital, commune on the outskirts of Stockholm. At his birth, he weighed 3.595 kg and measured 49 cm. According to the uses to the Court of Sweden, her name was very officially unveiled this Thursday, April 21 in the late morning, as part of a Cabinet meeting at the Royal Palace. Alongside his eldest daughter Crown Princess Victoria, King Carl XVI Gustaf announced that the boy's name was Alexander Erik Bertil Hubertus and he carried the title of Prince of Sweden and Duke of Sodermanland.

On Friday, a Te Deum service was celebrated in honor of Prince Alexander son of Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia.

For four days, Prince Alexander, the son of Prince Carl Philip of Sweden and his wife the Princess Sofia, is honored in Stockholm. Each day indeed was an event. Following his birth Tuesday April 19th. Wednesday April 20th his first public appearance at the exit of the maternity ward with her parents. Thursday April 21th, the disclosure of his name and his titles by his grandfather King Carl XVI Gustaf. And this Friday, April 22th, the new Baby Royal Court of Sweden gathered the royal family, as well as that of Sofia, at the chapel of the Royal Palace in Stockholm. As is tradition, there was a Te Deum celebrated on the occasion of his birth.

The hero of the day, the little prince Alexander was obviously absent, as was mom the beautiful princess Sofia. also were missing aunt Princess Madeleine, and her husband Christopher O'Neill, the latter living in London. Crown Princess Victoria came with her husband Prince Daniel but without her children, beaming alongside her younger brother, Prince Carl Philip, in her coat LK BENNETT with a new BAUM & PFERGARTEN dress skirt and top and ABRO clutch, her hair decorated with a big bow. Besides King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia in off-white suit, the Swedish royal family was represented by Princess Christina, one of the king's sister, and her husband Tord Magnuson, as well as the Countess Marianne Bernadotte and Dagmar von Arbin, nee Bernadotte. The first a former actress is the widow of Count Sigvard Bernadotte of Wisborg, one of the uncles of the sovereign. The second, who will celebrate its 100th anniversary, is a second cousin of the father of Carl XVI Gustaf.

On his maternal side, his grandparents Mary and Erik Hellqvist, his great grandmother Britt Rotman and  two aunts Lina and Sara attended the religious ceremony. Note the presence of Patrick Sommerlath, one of the nephews of Queen Silvia, and his wife Maline. Had also taken place in the royal chapel various official representatives of Sweden-including the prime minister and the president of suédois- Parliament and the Court staff.

Photo Credits: Kungahuset.se/Paris MAtch/Prince Carl-Philip,Duke of Varmland




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