The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Mette-Maritt

La Cour Norvegienne: La Princess Mette-Marit est le entrepreneur feminine

La Princesse héritière Mette Marit comme beaucoup d'autres dames royales qui ont pris part à la Journée internationale des femmes, a assisté à la présentation du Prix de la Femme Entrepreneur 2016, au DogA (Centre norvégien de design et d'architecture) à Oslo le 8 Mars 2016. La Princesse héritière Mette- Marit a assisté à l'événement et utiliser cette occasion pour louer la "chambre de langue nynorske" et le développement de l'entrepreneuriat féminin en Norvège.
Aujourd'hui également, la princesse héritière a assisté à une réunion d'auteur de sept femmes auteurs écrivant dans "nynorsk" (nouveau norvégien) à la Maison de la littérature à Oslo
Photo Credit: Kongehuset.no

The Norwegian Royal Courts: Crown Princess Mette-Marit awards female entrepreneur

 Crown Princess Mette Marit like many of other royal ladies took part in the International Women Day, she attended the presentation of the Female Entrepreneur 2016 award, at DogA (Norwegian Centre for Design and Architecture) in Oslo on March 8th 2016. Crown Princess Mette-Marit attended the event and use this opportunity to praise the "nynorske language room" and the development of female entrepreneurship in Norway.
Also today, The Crown Princess attended an author meeting of seven female authors writing in "nynorsk" (new Norwegian) at the House of Literature in Oslo
Photo Credits: Kongehuset.no

The Norwegian Royal Courts: Crown Princess Mette-Marit at a competition show

This Thursday, Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway, wife of Crown Prince Haakon, was a competition show.

Hosted on campus of the BI Norwegian Business School in Oslo she was expected for the final of the "BI International Case Competition". This case competition put in competition, for 32 hours, 48 ​​students divided into 11 teams, as many countries.

The young woman of 43 years was chosen for the occasion to dress an olive green suit with white stitching and Cravat jacket collar. Mette-Marit had accessorized with a small bag and Louboutin eggplant pumps.

Greeted outside on arrival, she then took place in the room where they attended the final stage of the competition between the teams of Serbia, the United States and Australia. And it is the students of Belgrade University have established themselves.
Photo Credits: Paris Match

The Norwegian Royal Courts: Queen Sonja and Crown Princess Mette-Marit in tiaras at Annual Parliamentary Dinner

Thursday evening was held at Royal Palace, Oslo traditional annual parliamentary dinner.

Established in 1906 by King Haakon VII, it gathers around the royal family and representatives of the Norwegian people. For the occasion, Crown Princess Mette-Marit, wife of Crown Prince Haakon of Norway, had chosen to wear a white dress with short sleeves with a very fine lace patchwork. It was signed by Peter Dundas, the Norwegian artistic director of the Italian fashion house Emilio Pucci. She was accompanied by a diamond tiara, the "crown daisies" the same simplistics tiara she wore at her wedding.

On the arms of King Harald V, Queen Sonja was displayed in a sumptuous royal blue dress. Side jewelry, she opted for the ornament in pearls and diamonds Queen Maud. In a pink and gold gown, Princess Astrid, the great King's sister who was moving with crutches, meanwhile wore a curious head of jewel-like insect antennae.
photo credits: Paris Match

La Cour Royale de Norvege : Le dernier passage de leurs Altesse Royale

Un temps pas si chaleureuse accueil Leurs Altesses Royales sur leur dernier arrêt dans leur fylkestur dans le comte de Akershus dans la municipalité de Nittedal.

Ils ont rencontré les étudiants et les élèves qui fréquentent l'école Sorli après une superbe accueil, des enfants avec des drapeaux qui avaient bravé la météo et prises le long de la route Sorli.

Avec Nittedal équipes sportives et dirigée par l'ancien champion olympique norvégien Bente Skari avec Crown Princess bravé la pluie et a pris une randonnée à travers les bois. Le voyage continue vers la tente qui est l'un des endroits préférés pour les enfants et les jeunes en club de sport. Ils sont tous réunis autour d'une cheminée extérieure, le Prince héritier et la princesse héritière ont entendu parler de club de sport.

Tandis qu'ils ont continué leur périple sur Sorli Sletta ils ont rencontré un groupe de tambour de l'école de musique et Slattum Bulls. Slattum Bulls compte 60 enfants qui apprennent à jouer du violon, et laissez-vous inspirer par Ole Bull et Berit Cardas Réalisé par viritousen. Ils ont joué à la fois avec l'Orchestre de la radiodiffusion et Chœur des Solistes norvégiens et de transmettre leur musique avec humour et joie de jouer.

Nous avons également vu côté ludique de SAR Princesse héritière Mette-maritt pendant le discours final dit par le Prince héritier Haakon il commença à pleuvoir lourde laissant la princesse héritière à l'aise dans la tente et en riant louding à son trempage mari parle encore sur la scène
Photo: Vegard Wivestad Grott / NTB Scanpix

The Royal Courts of Norway: TRH Crown Prince Couple last stop in Nittedal

A not so warm weather welcome Their Royal Highnesses on their last stop in their fylkestur in Akershus County in the Municipality of Nittedal.

They met students and pupils attending Sorli school after a wonderful welcome from kids with flags that had braved the weather and taken up along Sorli road.

Along with Nittedal sports teams and led by Norwegian former Olympic champion Bente Skari together with Crown Princess braved the rain and took a trek through the woods. The trip continue to the tent which is one of the favorite places for children and young people in sports club. They all gathered around an outdoor fireplace, the Crown Prince and Crown Princess heard about sports club.

Whilst they continued their trek out of Sorli Sletta they met with a drum group from the Music School and with Slattum Bulls. Slattum Bulls counts 60 children who are taught how to play the violin, and get inspired by Ole Bull and directed by Berit Cardas viritousen. They have played with both Broadcast Orchestra and the Norwegian Soloists' Choir and convey their music with humor and joy of playing.

We also saw playful side of HRH Crown Princess Mette-Maritt during the final speech said by Crown Prince Haakon it began to rain heavy leaving the Crown Princess comfortable in the tent and and laughing louding at her soaking husband still talking on the stage
Photo: Vegard Wivestad Grøtt / NTB scanpix

The Royal Courts of Norway: Crown Prince Couple in Gjeurdrum and in Bold

Their Journey through Akersus County, continues with a stop in Gjeurdrum and Bold. During their stop in Gjeurdrum, the Crown Prince Couple did quite a lot of activities.

Their visit started at a wood workshop called Tiles and Board. Crown Princess participated in an innovation camp, and Crown Prince Haakon said it was fun to see how Wood & board can be transform in to.
Photo: Vegard Wivestad Grøtt / NTB scanpix

The Crown Prince and Crown Princess also got to experience a fairly new form of art today. The farmer Gunnbjørn Ånerud driver landscape art - so-called land-art - on the fields in Gjerdrum. The landscape itself is the canvas in this form of expression, that uses plowing and threshing, animals and humans in formations, paint and restored and a number of other methods of creating art.

In their last stop in Gjerdrum, they visited Ungdomsskolen which received the State Building Design Price in 2010. Gjerdrum amateur and sparkling choir, consisting of kindergarten children, entertained, and got a tour of the school canteen run by Milk Rampa.

The Crown Prince Couple then went to On ball square, where they met with representatives of Gjerdrum sports teams and hear how they are working to make values ​​to an important basis for the activities. Integration of children and youth with special needs, is also a priority for the sports club.

The Crown Prince Couple then met with Gjeurdrum school. Pupils in Year 10 spoke to the Crown Princess about YouMe: Where the youth that motivate their peers by facilitating physical activity during school hours. MOT Gjerdrum also participated and presented a small play to the Crown Prince Couple

According to Kongehuset.no Crown Prince Haakon gave a speech during the visit at school. This with land-art had been another meeting Crown Prince, but he said himself impressed with what they got.And I think it also reflects the fact that one is fond of the village, it's nice to be here and a good environment. Maybe it's some of the things that makes Gjerdrum grows and is among the municipalities with the highest percentage increase in population over the last 20 years.  

He also thought it would be fun to try Kahoot - an application that uses mobile teaching:

A Trip to the Municipality of Bold:

In Trådbua Crown Princess got to hear about logging and floating, which was a very important industry in Bold. Today Fetsund Lenser museum and industrial heritage,  conducts research and dissemination of fløtingshistorie in Norway and abroad.

Fetsund Lenser offers numerous activities - including walk "on the water" using fleet hallways that is as liquid pavement in the river. From the booms are not far to the wetland center, Crown Princess walked around there accompanied by Deputy Anne Kristine Jahr Røine who spoke about efforts to restore the floating facility.

Just off the booms is Nordre Øyeren Wetland Centre, which is one of five authorized wetland centers in Norway. Wetland center is a discovery center for children and adolescents with tension exhibitions about nature and wetlands.

They sat down employees of the child welfare service, who spoke about their experiences as children in care and about future plans they have for the future child. They take part in the pilot project "My Life" that will ensure that children and young people have good information, receive state their views and be taken seriously. The goal is participation and the greatest possible influence over their own lives.

Crown Prince Couple also got to hear local youths' future wishes for the area. Among other things, presented the winners of the Innovation Camp 2015 and told about its plan for the Crown Prince and Crown Princess.

After several cultural events, where, among other "Ribbung" took spectators back to the 1200s with their performance, and according to Kongehuset Princess Mette-Marit said the closing speech:

"It is important that you who are young are involved in how we run society we live in. You are creative, some boundless and has strong sense of justice. I believe that people, and especially youth, are our most important resource. It is you who will create the future Norway, and we need every one of you. Be assured that you are good enough as you are. All are strong - each in their own way."




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