The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Lady Diana

Les cours Royales Anglaise: Les plans de Rénovations au site de Memorial Princesse of Galles

Ce 31 Août 2017, il sera à peine 20 ans puisque le peuple princesse Lady Diana est décédée dans un accident de voiture dans le Pont de l'Alma à Paris. Si l'on ignore encore comment ce triste anniversaire sera commémoré, y compris ses deux fils Princes William et Harry, mais la famille Spencer vient d'annoncer qu'il rétablirait son mémoire.

Divorcé du Prince Charles, la princesse de Galles a été enterré le 6 Septembre 1997 sur la propriété de la famille Spencer où elle repose sur une île sur le lac "Round Oval" Castle Althorp Park. Situé entre Birmingham et Cambridge dans le Northamptonshire, ce domaine appartient à Spencer depuis le XVIe siècle. Le public a accès au site depuis 1937, lorsque le comte Albert Spencer, le grand-père de Diana, a décidé d'ouvrir les portes pour des raisons financières. Cependant les visiteurs ne peuvent pas approcher la tombe de Lady Di. Ils doivent se contenter, des rives du lac pour voir l'île sur laquelle se trouve une urne de bronze. Et ils peuvent prier devant un sanctuaire érigé à sa mémoire dans le parc.

À l'été 2014, Darren McGrady, ancien chef de la reine Elizabeth II et la Princesse Diana et son fils, était révolté par le manque d'entretien de l'enterrement de la jeune femme disparu dans seulement 36 ans. Poster une photo sur son compte Twitter, il a dit: «Si je me suis occupé de la princesse Diana pendant sa vie comme vous le faites après sa mort, je l'aurais été congédié." "S'il vous plaît prenez soin de la végétation de l'île. Prouvez que vous voulez la princesse Diana se trouve là pour l'amour et pas seulement faire de l'argent." Il a été lui a répliqué à l'époque que l'endroit était bien entretenu et il était juste algues qui était répandue à cause de la chaleur.

Cependant, au printemps 2016, la famille de Diana a rapporté qu'une restauration serait commis. Un porte-parole de la famille Spencer a dit en effet, selon des propos rapportés par le "Daily Mail":. "The Oval ronde où Diana, princesse de Galles, est basée subi un vaste remaniement pour honorer sa mémoire Ce sera achevé pour la 20e anniversaire de sa mort en Août 2017 ».

The British Royal Courts: Renovations plans at the Princess of Wales Memorial

This August 31st 2017 it will be just 20 years since the people princess Lady Diana passed away in a car crash in the Pont de l'Alma in Paris. If it is still unclear how this sad anniversary will be commemorated, including her two sons Princes William and Harry, however the Spencer family has just announced that it would restore her memorial.

Divorced from Prince Charles, the late Princess of Wales was buried on September 6th 1997 on the Spencer family property where she rests on an island on the lake "Round Oval" Castle Althorp Park. Located between Birmingham and Cambridge in Northamptonshire, this area belongs to Spencer since the sixteenth century. The public has access to the site since 1937, when Count Albert Spencer, the grandfather of Diana, decided to open the doors for financial reasons. However visitors can not approach the tomb of Lady Di. They must be content, from the shores of the lake to see the island on which stands a bronze urn. And they can pray before a shrine erected to his memory in the park.

In the summer of 2014, Darren McGrady, former chef of Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Diana and her son, had rebelled about the lack of maintenance of the burial of the young woman disappeared in just 36 years. Posting a photo on his Twitter account, he said: "If I took care of Princess Diana during her lifetime as you do after her death, I would have been fired." "Please look after the vegetation of the island. Prove you want Princess Diana sits there for love and not just to make money. " He was countered him at the time that the place was well maintained and it was just seaweed that had spread because of the heat.

However, in spring 2016, the family of Diana reported that a restoration would be committed. A spokesman of the Spencer family has said in effect, according to comments reported by the "Daily Mail": "The Round Oval where Diana, Princess of Wales, is based undergone an extensive redesign to honor his memory. This will be completed for the 20th anniversary of his death in August 2017 ".

The Royal Court:Princess Diana Legacy-A rare glimpse inside her wedding

The rare glimpse behind the scene of the wedding of the century between Britain's Heir to the Throne Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer on 29th July 1981 has thrown the world in to a frenzy

Just a few weeks ago we celebrate 34 years since that special day which captivated the world's attention. Although this marriage may not have survived for long, various souvenirs used during the wedding festivities have been up for auction notably a piece of the cake and others.

The 14 never before seen images taken by Lord Litchfield, developed and now owned by his assistant  who has decided to be kept under anonyma name as Henrietta where never presented to the royal couple in their album and kept privately until now.

According to an interview in the Telegraph, Henrietta said “Lord Lichfield had me make up an album of black and white and colour photographs, which he presented to Prince Charles and Princess Diana to commemorate the day of their wedding. These are photos that did not go into that album,”
In this pictures we see HM Queen Elisabeth II watching the crowns outside
The Auction will take place from 17th September to 24th September on the RR Auction website starting at $300
Photos: RR Auction/Splash




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