The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Kiwi

The Australian Royal Courts: The Australians welcome Their Royal Highnesses

Bye Bye New Zealand, Hello Australia 
Prince Charles and his wife the Duchess of Cornwall Camilla arrived in Australia on Tuesday. And it is in this country that on November 14 the eldest son of Queen Elizabeth II will celebrate its 67 ans.

After a week long stay in New Zealand, with the last day taking The Duchess who particularly took part in trying to weave palm leaves New Plymouth where Prince Charles met with young surfers, the heir to the British throne and his wife flew to neighboring Australia.
Arriving in Adelaide, where he was greeted by the Governor General Peter Cosgrove and his wife, the couple had its program, among other appointments, visiting the Seppeltsfield Winery, a winery located in the northeast of this city , Barossa Valley. There were offered the official gift from the South Australian government: large knife in Japanese style blade made especially for them by a local cutler. The opportunity for the Duchess of Cornwall to hold up against the Prince of Wales. Which played the game by displaying a horrified look on camera photographers who immortalized the scene.
Photo Credits: Parish Match

The Kiwi Royal Courts: The New Zealand Royal Trip continues

Their trip to New Zealnd continued, and The Duchess of Cornwall and her program proves to be more varied, between encounters with dogs, wine tasting, prison visit, traditional ceremony or discovery of a feather dress cacatoès.

The heir to the British crown was still with his wife Camilla Duchess whilst the rest of the Royal Family including the Dutch Royal Couple took part in the Festival of Remembrance and Remembrance Sunday in New Zealand where they attended joint appointment or alone, in the cities of Wellington, Auckland and Nelson, as well as in the region Waikato. Together they visited the Mahana Winery in Nelson, where they could enjoy organic wines and local dishes, and were welcomed in the finest Korowai tradition (Maori cloak flax and kiwi feathers) on shoulders, at a ceremony at Turangawaewae Marae is however only Camilla visited the women's prison Arohata in Wellington. In addition to the staff, she was able to talk with them incarcerated women who attend education and training programs and discover the processing unit against drug addiction away. The Duchess' also visited the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Wellington, that of a center that provides frozen meals to families with newborns or situation serious illness, or that of the museum World of Wearable Art (WOW, an international competition of works of art clothing) in Nelson. The opportunity to come across a model wearing the amazing dress "Frockatoo" cockatoo feather.
Photo Credits: Paris Match

La Cour Royale Neo Zealandais/Kiwi: La racontre avec la Robe en Plume de Cacatoes

Leur voyage en Nouvelle-Zélande a continué, et la duchesse de Cornouailles et son programme se révèle être plus varié, entre les rencontres avec les chiens, dégustation de vins, visite de la prison, cérémonie traditionnelle ou la découverte d'une robe de plumes cacatoès.

L'héritier de la couronne britannique était toujours avec son épouse Camilla Parker tandis que le reste de la famille royale y compris le couple néerlandais Royal a pris part au Festival de commémoration et d'Remembrance Sunday en Nouvelle-Zélande où ils ont assisté à la nomination conjointe ou seul, dans les villes de Wellington, Auckland et Nelson, ainsi que dans la région de Waikato. Ensemble, ils ont visité le Mahana Winery à Nelson, où ils pourraient profiter de vins bio et des plats locaux, et ont été accueillis dans la plus pure tradition Korowai (Maori manteau de lin et de plumes de kiwi) sur les épaules, lors d'une cérémonie au Turangawaewae Marae est cependant que Camilla ont visité le la prison des femmes Arohata à Wellington. En plus du personnel, elle a été en mesure de parler avec eux femmes incarcérées qui suivent des programmes d'éducation et de formation et de découvrir l'unité de traitement contre la toxicomanie loin. La duchesse a également visité la Société pour la prévention de la cruauté envers les animaux à Wellington, celle d'un centre qui fournit des repas congelés aux familles avec des nouveau-nés ou de la situation de maladie grave, ou celle du monde des musées de l'art portable (WOW, une compétition internationale de des œuvres d'art de vêtements) à Nelson. L'occasion de croiser un modèle portant la robe étonnante "Frockatoo" cacatoès plume.
Photo Credits: Paris Match: 




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