The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Imperials

The Japanese Imperial Courts: Their Imperial Majesties organized a Tea Party for Peace reconciliation contributors

We may all remember that late in the Month of January, His Imperial Majesty Emperor Akihito accompanied by Her Imperial Majesty Empress Michiko were on a peace reconciliation with the people of Philippines. 71 years later they honored in Manila memory of Japanese soldiers killed during World War II during the brutal occupation of the Philippines by Japanese Imperial army .
On 24th February, His Imperial Majesty Emperor Akihito accompanied by his spouse Her Imperial Majesty Empress Michiko hosted the tea party to congratulate and thank the contributors who faciliated the peace reconciliation on Philippine Visit of Their Majesties in January at Imperial Palace.
Photo credit: Asahi

The Royal Court of Japan- The Imperial Crown family goes on holiday

The Imperial Crown family, Imperial Crown Prince Naruhito, Imperial Crown Princess Masako and their daughter HIH Princess Aiko were seen two days ago, at the Izukyu Shimoda train Station in Shizuoka Prefecture in Centre Japan where they were received by a crowd of about 600 people to send their warm blessings.

The Imperial Crown family was enroute to the Suzaki Imperial Villa in Shimoda city where they are planning on spending for one week.

We wish the Imperial Crown Family a happy holiday




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