The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: HRH

The Royal Court of Jordan: HRH Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II inaugurates King Abdullah II public park in Irbid

Today HRH Crown Prince Al Hussein Bin Abdullah II represented his father HM King Abdullah at the inauguration of the King Abdullah park  named after his father in the Irbid Governorate

The park, covering a total area of about 178 dunums, will serve as a recreational, sport and cultural landmark and a breathing space to the people of Irbid and surrounding areas.

The Crown Prince unveiled a commemorative plaque and planted an olive tree as he toured the park, which was constructed at a cost of JD15 million, and housed a conservatory, bird park, sports fields, play areas for children, a 280-meter-long artificial river among other facilities.

© Royal Hashemite Court of Jordan

© Royal Hashemite Court of Jordan

© Royal Hashemite Court of Jordan

© Royal Hashemite Court of Jordan

© Royal Hashemite Court of Jordan

© Royal Hashemite Court of Jordan

Royal Competition: Out of the Blue Competition

The OUT OF THE BLUE COMPETITION is a photography competition organised that showcases the beauty and iconic significance of our oceans through a photographer's lenses. Supported by HRH Prince Charles of Wales and announced through @clarencehouse.

With the Commonwealth Head of Governments coming up on November 6th and be held in Malta bringing forward the importance of our oceans, seas and coast with our economic dependency we have to rely on them

The wining picture will be presented in Malta during the Commonwealth Head of Governments meeting

Let your lens speak for its self.

Fun Facts: DYK that more that half of 54 Commonwealth Nations are island and surrounded by water.

To get more info and entries go to: http://outofthebluecompetition.com/

Lets do with an snap and show our beautiful waters

 Rules of Competition:
Open to all Commonwealth Citizens
From June 8th-September 6th
Age under 18-over 18
List of  Commonwealth Nations




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