The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: First Lieutenant

The British Royal Courts: Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge at the 75th anniversary of the Royal Air Cadets

Beautiful in her blue cloak, the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton was born, lit in London this Sunday commemorations of the 75th anniversary of the Air Cadets, of which she is the new First Lieutenant.

This February 7, Catherine Duchess of Cambridge made her first commitment of 2016 and  not just any, as this was her first meeting as part of her brand new First Lieutenant to Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, who for the last 63 years acted as "Air Commodore-in-Chief  to honor the Body Workout Army Air- of the young mother of two has been given the patronage of the military organization on December 16. It has 42 000 cadets of the Air Force, aged 12 to 19 years, and 15,000 adult volunteers spread throughout the UK and worldwide.

To honor this new elegantly tasks required of them, the wife of Prince William, had chosen to be in tune with her Cadets. Catherine indeed wore blue uniforms in a lighter tone and brighter. The mother of the little prince George and Baby Charlotte had opted for an Alexander McQueen blue sky coat and landed on his hair down a signed Lock & Co fascinator, navy blue RUPERT SANDERSON Malory Suede pumps, her Russell & Bromley handbag and gloves. Very smiling, she wore pinned under her neck on the left, the Air Cadets Dacre brooch -the highest award a Cadet RAF woman can obtenir, while attending a religious service at St. church Clement Danes, then a reception at the Royal Courts of Justice. The "Daily Mail" said that this spectacular diamond brooch was offered by the Cadets themselves when it became their First Lieutenant.
Photo Credits: Paris Match

The British Royal Courts: Duchess Catherine becomes First Lieutenant to Prince Philip

Catherine Duchess of Cambridge, took over Prince Philip, becoming godmother/First Lieutenant of Air Cadets - her first military engagement.

Catherine succeeds over the husband of Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, who for the last 63 years acted as "Air Commodore-in-Chief" honor the Corps of the Air Force Training - a title inherited by passing between duchesse. The young duchess and the prince of 94 years took place during an audience at Buckingham Palace this Wednesday, December 16, 2015, following the traditional Christmas lunch before the royal family.

Kate, 33, is now patron of an organization that includes 42 000 Cadet Air Force, aged 12-19 years, and 15,000 adult volunteers spread across the UK and in the World entier.Lors Thursday's hearing, Dawn McCafferty, Commander of the Air Cadets, paid tribute to Prince Philip: "He is admired and respected by the cadets and let his sense of humor will be missed loan as his sincere interest in the development of the youth of this nation. "

The officer then greeted the arrival of the new First Lieutenant, whose husband William served as a helicopter pilot search and rescue in the RAF: "We are absolutely delighted that the Duchess of Cambridge has agreed to be our boss. His ties with RAF family are already well established and its desire to support the development of youth is widely recognized. "
Photo Credits: Paris Match




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