The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Dubai

Royal Birthday Shoutout of the Day: H.R.H Catherine Duchess of Cambridge and other Royal celebrations

Madam Royal wishes a glamorous, glorious and joyful birthday to Her Royal Highness Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge. Born as in Jan 9th 1982 as Catherine Elizabeth Middleton to Micheal and Carol Middleton at the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading. The Duchess is the oldest of three children with James and Pippa Middleton. She met H.R.H Prince William while studying at St. Andrews University in 2001 and ten years later on April 29th 2011, the lovely couple married at Westminster Abbey. Six years later they are proud parents of two little ones T.R.H Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge(Born July 22nd 2013) and Princess Charlotte Elisabeth Diana(Born May 2nd 2015). Her title and style is Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge, Countess of Strathearn and Lady Carrickfergus.

Other Birthday Celebrations for the weekend include: On Sunday Jan 8th, T.R.H Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine of Denmark celebrated their 6th birthday. For this occasion the Crown Prince couple Crown Prince Fredrick and Crown Princess Mary and the Royal Household release new photos to mark this occasion. Photo credits: The Danish Monarchy/Pernille Rohde, PR PHOTO ©
On Saturday Jan 7th, H.R.H Princess Sirivannari of Thailand who was celebrating her 30th birthday. H.R.H is the daughter of newly crowned King Rama X also known as King Maja Vajiralongkorn and Sujarinee Vivacharawongse. Also on Saturday was celebrated the Fifth birthday of H.R.H Sheikh Zayed bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum of Dubai son of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Emir of Dubai & son of Princess Haya bint Al Hussein of Jordan

The Jordanian and Dubai Royal Courts: Queen Rania attend Global Women’s Forum in Dubai

Her Majesty Queen Rania is in Dubai to attend The Global Women’s Forum. Also attending the forum were His Highness Sheikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the UAE Vice President and Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai and his son His Highness Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai.

Her Majesty spoke an opening keynote speech Forum where she challenged an audience of international leaders to break inherited molds that have been imposed on women, and pursue innovation in improving their standing, during the forum she was also awarded the Mohammed Bin Rashid Medal of Honor for Women. A medal to personally honor conceived and celebrate leading women for their achievements by His Highness Sheikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the UAE Vice President and Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai,

The award was given in recognition of Queen Rania’s invaluable impact as a champion for women's empowerment across the Arab Region. She was presented the award by His Highness Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Dubai Executive Council.

In her speech, she said that "a society’s expectations of women directly reflect its confidence in their abilities and potential." and explained that the infiltration of Arab societies by extremist ideologies requires an exceptional urgency for change and demands leaps in progress. "We need to actively fight currents that are trying to throw us centuries behind, Many Arab women have faced so many tragedies that their lives have been turned around into worst case scenarios," she added.

In addition to her speech she referred to the growing and complicated problems of the Arab World, shee stated that "we are stuck hovering over the same ground, prevented by the winds of conflicts, inherited boundaries, and backward ideologies." and added that "a powerful push forward" was necessary. She explained that modern technology can help transform education, create jobs, and overcome the barriers women face. "We have tools that give women a louder voice, and a wider space to participate and advocate," Queen Rania said. She underlined the importance of using creative skills, unconventional solutions, and new approaches to prompt quick and lasting change.

Queen Rania also highlighted Sheikha Fatima Bint Mubarak’s role in pushing the women of her country to excel in many sectors. She added that Sheikha Fatima became "a role model for women by raising the bar and encouraging them to look beyond boundaries."

In the conclusion of her speech, the Queen underscored the Arab World’s dire need to catch up with global trends. She said this would "require strong, knowledgeable, and ambitious women that can help our societies stand strong again and help us realize our full potential."

Other speakers at the opening of the forum included Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nayhan, UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, and Dr. Amal Al Qubaisi, President of the UAE Federal National Council.
For the forum Her Majesty looked chic and gorgeous in  Louboutin SophiaRegina heels on her feet, Bottega Veneta Colorblocked Seam-Detail Wool Skirt,
Photo Credit: Queen Rania/Facebook

La Cour Royale Jordanienne et Dubaieen: La Reine Rania au Forum Globale des Femmes

Sa Majesté la Reine Rania est à Dubaï pour assister au Forum des femmes du monde. Ceux qui ont également assisté au forum étaient Son Altesse le Cheikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, vice-président des EAU et le Premier Ministre et Souverain de Dubaï et son fils Son Altesse Cheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Prince héritier de Dubaï.

Sa Majesté a parlé d'un Forum de discours d'ouverture, où elle a contesté un public de leaders internationaux pour briser les moules hérités qui ont été imposées aux femmes, et de poursuivre l'innovation dans l'amélioration de leur statut, au cours du forum, elle a également reçu le Mohammed Bin Rashid Medal of Honor pour Femmes. Une médaille pour honorer personnellement conçu et célébrer femmes leaders pour leurs réalisations par Son Altesse Cheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, vice-président des EAU et le Premier Ministre et Souverain de Dubaï,

Le prix a été décerné en reconnaissance de l'impact inestimable de la reine Rania comme une championne pour l'autonomisation des femmes à travers la région arabe. Elle a été remis le prix par Son Altesse Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Prince héritier de Dubaï et Président du Conseil exécutif de Dubaï.

Dans son discours, elle a dit que "les attentes d'une société de femmes reflètent directement sa confiance en leurs capacités et leur potentiel." et a expliqué que l'infiltration des sociétés arabes par des idéologies extrémistes nécessite une urgence exceptionnelle pour le changement et exige des sauts en cours. «Nous devons lutter activement courants qui tentent de nous jeter des siècles derrière, beaucoup de femmes arabes ont été confrontés à tant de tragédies que leurs vies ont été tournés autour dans les pires scénarios," at-elle ajouté.

En plus de son discours, elle a évoqué les problèmes croissants et complexes du monde arabe, Shee a déclaré que «nous sommes en vol stationnaire coincé sur le même terrain, empêché par les vents de conflits, frontières héritées et les idéologies rétrogrades." et a ajouté qu ' «une puissante poussée en avant" était nécessaire. Elle a expliqué que la technologie moderne peut aider à transformer l'éducation, de créer des emplois, et de surmonter les obstacles auxquels les femmes sont confrontées. "Nous avons des outils qui donnent aux femmes une voix plus forte, et un espace plus large pour participer et défendre", a déclaré la reine Rania. Elle a souligné l'importance d'utiliser les compétences créatives, des solutions non conventionnelles, et de nouvelles approches pour inciter le changement rapide et durable.

La Reine Rania a également souligné le rôle de Cheikha Fatima Bint Moubarak en poussant les femmes de son pays d'exceller dans de nombreux secteurs. Elle a ajouté que Cheikha Fatima est devenu "un modèle pour les femmes en soulevant la barre et les encourager à regarder au-delà des frontières."

Dans la conclusion de son discours, la reine a souligné un besoin urgent dans le monde arabe pour rattraper les tendances mondiales. Elle a dit que cela "exigera des femmes fortes, compétentes et ambitieuses qui peuvent aider nos sociétés tiennent forts encore et nous aider à réaliser notre plein potentiel."

D'autres orateurs à l'ouverture du forum inclus Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nayhan, ministre émirati des Affaires étrangères et de la Coopération internationale, Christine Lagarde, directeur général du Fonds monétaire international, et le Dr Amal Al Qubaisi, président du Conseil national fédéral des EAU .
Pour le forum Sa Majesté avait l'air chic et magnifique en talons Louboutin SophiaRegina sur ses pieds
Photo Credit: Queen Rania/Facebook

La Cour Royale de Dubai: La famille souverain de Dubai au Prix du Sport

Son Altesse Royale la Princesse Haya a reçu le Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Creative Sports Award dans la catégorie de la section locale Personnalité Sport le 14 Janvier 2016, une cérémonie tenue au Dubai World Trade Centre. Décerné par son mari Son Altesse, Cheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-président et Premier ministre des Émirats arabes unis et souverain de Dubaï, en présence du Prince héritier Hamdan bin Mohammed et la fille du couple Son Altesse Cheikha Al Jalila
Son Altesse Cheikh Mohammed bin Rashid félicite les gagnants et a souligné le rôle du sport dans la construction de ponts entre les différentes cultures et de promouvoir le rapprochement entre les différents peuples.
Il a également félicité Cheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, prince héritier de Dubaï et président du Conseil des Sports de Dubaï, pour son étendant soutien continu aux sports, la promotion des compétitions créatives, inspirantes jeunes athlètes arabes et en parrainant l'Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Creative Sports Award .
Photo Credits: The Office of Princess Haya/Sheikh Mohammed.ae

The Dubai Royal Courts: HRH Princess Haya receives an award, The Dubai ruling family attend

Her Royal Highness Princess Haya received the Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Creative Sports Award in the category of Local Sport Personality on January 14th 2016 in a ceremony held at the Dubai World Trade Centre. . Awarded by her husband His Highness, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of UAE and Ruler of Dubai  in the presence of Crown Prince Hamadan bin Mohammed and the couple's daughter HH Sheikha Al Jalila.

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid congratulated the winners and underlined the role of sports in building bridges between different cultures and promoting rapprochement between different peoples.
He also praised Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of Dubai Sports Council, for his extending continuous support to sports, promoting creative competitions, inspiring Arab young athletes and sponsoring the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Creative Sports Award.
Photo Credits: The Office of Princess Haya/Sheikh Mohammed.ae

The Royal Courts of the Emir of Dubai: A sad news from the Emir of Dubai

The 33-year-old eldest son of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, who is the ruler of Dubai and also the Vice-President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates HRH Sheikh Rashid bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum passed away today morning from a heart attack.

HRH Sheikh Rashid was son to His Highness Sheikh Mohammed and his first wife Sheikha  Hind bint Maktoum bin Juma Al Maktoum.

The news was announce on the Dubai Media Office Official Twitter accounts and announces 3 days of mourning

His brother Crown Prince Sheikh Hamadan Bin Mohammed also know as fazza expressed his grief on his instagram

Condelences where sent to His Highness Sheikh Mohammed from Members of the Royal family in the Middle Eastern region and Asia with messages from His Majesty King Abdullah II of Jordan
, King Hamad of Bahrain
, Sultan Qaboos of Oman
Our Hearts goes out to His Highness Sheikh Mohammed and his family and the people of Dubai on this events




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