The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Crown Princess Margarita

The Romanian Royal Family: A meeting between Romanian President and Crown Princess Margareta

Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Margaret Custodian of the Romanian Crown, met during on March 16th at Cotroceni Palace with His Excellency Mr. Klaus Werner Johannis, President of Romania.

The President once again conveyed best wishes to His Majesty King. Custodian of the Crown and the President reviewed the issues related to the Royal Family's public activity in the country and abroad. They discussed also issues related to cooperation between the Romanian authorities and State Crown, now and in the future.
Photp Credits ©Administrația Prezidențială

The Romanian Royal Courts: King Micheal health news

It was a shock to the royal world that His Majesty King Michael I of Romania has been diagnosed with leukemia and will withdraw from public life and hand over his responsibilities to his oldest daughter Crown Princess Margarita of Romania.

The Royal Council took note of the state of health of His Majesty and spokesman Andrew Popper said Wednesday the 94-year-old former king is recovering from recent surgery. He said the former monarch has "chronic leukemia" and a type of skin cancer.
His Majesty is a complex and demanding treatment, which prevents him from appearing in public, needing a recovery period.




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