Sa nouvelle tenu fait beaucoup jaser

Don Felipe et Dona Letizia ont présidé la cérémonie des Prix Nationaux pour l'Innovation et le Design 2016. Les prix sont organisés annuellement par le Ministère de l'économie, de l'industrie et de la compétitivité par l'intermédiaire du Secrétaire d'État à la recherche, au développement et à l'innovation.

Lors de son intervention sur le site de la Maison Royale, Don Felipe a affirmé que «il est fondamental d'éveiller et de promouvoir des vocations innovantes dans notre pays» et que les écoles et universités du XXIe siècle «doivent influencer la culture de l'innovation» Est sans doute le meilleur pari pour l'avenir ". Dans ce sens, il a insisté sur le fait que «l'innovation réside en fin de compte dans les gens: parce qu'une personne innovante, avec son attitude et sa conviction, rendra son institution et son équipe sont aussi. Promouvoir ces profils dès les premiers âges.

Mais c'est la nouvelle robe de fourrure à manches vert olive avec une cape-coat attachée. Que la reine Letizia a porté ce lundi, Février 6e 2017 qui a obtenu beaucoup de bonne attention. Le créateur reste inconnu, d'autre part tout le monde s'engage à féliciter l'épouse du Roi Felipe VI d'Espagne pour le choix de cette tenue minimaliste qu'elle avait associée à un nouveau python embrayage par la marque espagnole Lidia Faro, sur ses pieds elle avait le Magrit ' Mila 'pompe à effet de serpent .. La Reine avait ses cheveux dans un chignon sous qui a révélé quelques nouvelles boucles d'oreilles' oreille-poignet 'avec des perles, son créateur est encore inconnu.

The winners of the National Awards for Innovation and Design 2016, the highest award in Spain to companies and professionals who have distinguished themselves in these fields. These were given to the Regional Archaeological Museum of the Community of Madrid located in Alcalá de Henares, in the framework of a ceremony presided over by the royal couple.

The National Awards for Innovation and Design are the highest award in Spain in recognition of companies and professionals who have stood out for their excellent and exemplary career in some cases in the field of design and others in the field of innovation. These awards recognize both innovation and design as essential factors to increase competitiveness and economic performance as well as to bring quality of life to citizens. With them, it is also a matter of promoting the culture of design and innovation in Spain, both in business and in society as a whole.
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The Spanish National Awards for Innovation and Design

Don Felipe and Dona Letizia presided over the National Awards for Innovation and Design 2016 ceremony. The awards are organized yearly by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness through the Secretary of State for Research, Development and Innovation.

During his speech which can be found on the Royal House website, Don Felipe affirmed that "it is fundamental to awaken and promote innovative vocations in our country" and that the schools and universities of the 21st century "must influence the culture of innovation, it is without doubt the best bet for the future" . In this sense, he insisted that "innovation ultimately lies in people: because an innovative person, with his attitude and conviction, will make his institution and his team are also. Promote these profiles from the earliest ages. "

But it is the new olive green cropped sleeve sheath dress with an attached cape-coat. that Queen Letizia wore this Monday, February 6th 2017 that got a lot of good attention.  The creator remains unknown, on the other hand everyone agrees to congratulate the wife of King Felipe VI of Spain for the choice of this minimalist outfit she had associated with a new python clutch by Spanish brand Lidia Faro, on her feet she had the Magrit 'Mila' snake-effect pumps.. The Queen had her hair in a bun under that revealed some new earrings 'ear-cuff' with pearls, its creator is still unknown.

The winners of the National Awards for Innovation and Design 2016, the highest award in Spain to companies and professionals who have distinguished themselves in these fields. These were given to the Regional Archaeological Museum of the Community of Madrid located in Alcalá de Henares, in the framework of a ceremony presided over by the royal couple.

The National Awards for Innovation and Design are the highest award in Spain in recognition of companies and professionals who have stood out for their excellent and exemplary career in some cases in the field of design and others in the field of innovation. These awards recognize both innovation and design as essential factors to increase competitiveness and economic performance as well as to bring quality of life to citizens. With them, it is also a matter of promoting the culture of design and innovation in Spain, both in business and in society as a whole.
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Une reine bien stylee

À la suite de son apparence élégante dans une cape-robe minimaliste vert, la reine Letizia d'Espagne a réussi à surprendre avec nouveau look. Mais cette fois c'était sur sa coiffure que la jeune reine de 44 ans avait parié pour attirer l'attention.

Accompagnant son mari royal, le roi Felipe VI, à la fête du 30e anniversaire du quotidien espagnol Expansión le mardi 7 février 2017 à l'hôtel The Westin Palace de Madrid, l'ex-journaliste est apparu vêtu d'une belle plume et applique perle sur les manches et Jupe crayon par le concepteur vénézuélien Carolina Herrera pré-automne 2015 collection. Elle avait accompagné cette tenue avec un sac d'embrayage en satin de Felipe Varela et des pompes Magrit de vampire droit noir. Aussi sophistiquée était la façon dont elle avait habillé ses cheveux, elle avait roulé ses cheveux dans un chignon sur le côté droit. Et quand Letizia tourna la tête, deux tresses étaient révélées sur le côté gauche de sa tête. Pour donner encore plus de glamour à son regard, la reine d'Espagne avait insisté sur son maquillage et avait orné simple, mais a fait une déclaration avec une nouvelle paire de diamants éblouissants et boucles d'oreilles chandelier rubis.

A côté de plusieurs ministres, le couple royal espagnol a présidé ce dîner d'anniversaire qui a réuni 300 invités du monde des affaires, universitaires et institutionnels au Westin Palace Hotel à Madrid. Le souverain a prononcé un discours en déclarant notamment que le travail journalistique réalisé dans le cadre des principes constitutionnels «est fondamental dans toute société démocratique».
Photo Credit: Match

The 30th Anniversary celebrations of Expansion

In the aftermath of her elegant appearance in a minimalist green cape-dress , the Queen Letizia of Spain managed to surprise with new look side. But this time it was on her hairstyle that the young queen of 44 years had wagered to attract attention.

Accompanying her royal husband King Felipe VI to the 30th anniversary party of the Spanish business daily Expansión on Tuesday, February 7th 2017 held at the The Westin Palace hotel in Madrid, the former journalist appeared dressed in a beautiful feather and bead applique on the sleeves and pencil skirt by Venezuelan designer Carolina Herrera Pre-Fall 2015 collection. She had accompanied this outfit with a Felipe Varela satin clutch bag and black patent Magrit straight-cut vamp pumps. Equally sophisticated was the way she had dressed her hair, she had rolled her hair in a bun on the right side. And when Letizia turned her head, two braids were revealed on the left side of her head. To give even more glamor to her look, the Queen of Spain had insisted on her make-up and had adorned simple but made a statement with a new pair of dazzling diamond and ruby chandelier earrings.
Alongside several ministers, the Spanish royal couple presided over this anniversary dinner that brought together 300 guests from the business, academic and institutional worlds at the Westin Palace Hotel in Madrid. The sovereign gave a speech, declaring in particular that the journalistic work realized within the framework of the constitutional principles "is fundamental in any democratic society".
Photo Credit: Match




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