The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Archduke Carl-Christian

Mass of the Deceased

Last Friday, members of the Belgian royal family attended the traditional Mass together with in memory of the deceased members of the royal family at the Church of Our Lady of Laeken.

Gray pearl coat with darker stripes. Large hat by Fabienne Delvigne, gloves, clutch, stockings and assorted pumps. This Friday, February 17th 2017, Mathilde of Belgium in the company of her husband the King Philippe, attended the annual mass of the deceased, a tradition started on the same date for more than 80 years, in memory of the deceased members of the royal family of Belgium. The first took place on February 17th 1935, the anniversary of the death of King Albert I, who died a year earlier in a climbing accident at Marche-les-Dames.

Originally announced, her father-in-law former King Albert II was finally absent for this ceremony that took place in the Church of Our Lady of Laeken. The former sovereign had canceled his participation, due to the urgent hospitalization of his wife Queen Paola.

Read more : Queen Paola re-hospitalized

If the sister and brother of the monarch, Princess Astrid and Prince Laurent of Belgium, also missed the call, along with their spouses Prince Lorenz and Princess Claire, several other members of the royal family stood by Philippe and Mathilde. Aunt Princess Maria-Esmeralda of Belgium, the youngest daughter of King Leopold III (grandfather of King Philip), was with her son Leopoldo. Her sister-in-law, Princess Lea, the widow of Prince Alexander, was also there. Like the two sisters and one of the brothers of the Grand Duke Henry of Luxembourg: Princess Margaretha of Liechtenstein, Princess Marie Astrid of Luxembourg with her husband Archduke Carl Christian of Habsburg and Prince William of Luxembourg with his wife Princess Sibilla. Let us recall that their mother, the wife of the Grand Duke John of Luxembourg, was Princess Josephine Charlotte of Belgium, the eldest daughter of King Leopold III, and that they are the first cousins ​​of King Philip.
Photo credits: Paris Match




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