The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Al Hussein Bin Abdullah

La Cour Royal Jordanienne: SM Le Roi en visite au Etat Uni

Sa Majesté le Roi Abdullah II accompagné de son fils SAR le Prince héritier Al-Hussein bin Abdullah mercredi, a tenu une réunion au sommet avec le président américain, Barack Obama, qui portait sur les efforts mondiaux de lutte contre le terrorisme et l'extrémisme au Moyen-Orient et dans le monde, les derniers développements en Syrie et les efforts pour relancer la paix entre les Palestiniens et les Israéliens.

La réunion a également discuté des moyens de cimenter la relation stratégique entre la Jordanie et les Etats-Unis.
Mercredi soir Sa Majesté seule a rencontré les dirigeants des organisations juives américaines à Washington et discuté des moyens de sortir de l'impasse et de reprendre les négociations israélo-palestiniennes sur la base de la solution à deux Etats
Prince héritier Al Hussein étudie actuellement au E.U
Photo Credits: الديوان الملكي الهاشمي/Royal Hashemite Courts/Facebook

The Jordanian Royal Courts: King Abdullah II meets with U.S President Obama

His Majesty King Abdullah II accompanied by HRH Crown Prince Al-Hussein bin Abdullah on Wednesday, held a summit meeting with U.S. President, Barack Obama, that dealt with global efforts to fight terrorism and extremism in the Middle East and the world, the latest developments in Syria and efforts to revive peacemaking between the Palestinians and Israelis.

The meeting also discussed ways to cement the strategic relationship between Jordan and the United States.
Late Wednesday His Majesty alone met with leaders of the American Jewish organizations in Washington and discussed means to break the deadlock and resume the Israeli- Palestinian talks based on the two-state solution
Crown Prince Al Hussein is currently studying in the U.S
Photo Credits: الديوان الملكي الهاشمي/Royal Hashemite Courts/Facebook

The Royal Courts of Jordan: Queen Rania attends Global Citizens Festival

Her Majesty Queen Rania took part in the 4th Global Citizen Festival in New York
New York, USA/ September 26, 2015. She and actress Salma Hayek Pinault spoke on stage at the during the festival to end extreme poverty by 2030 in Central Park on September 26, 2015 in New York City.
Her Majesty was accompanied by all of her children Crown Prince Al Hussein, Princess Salma, Princess Iman and Prince Hashem
Photo Credits: Getty Image/Global Citizens Festival/Facebook/Queen Rania

The Royal Court of Jordan- HRH Crown Prince attends graduation

Photo Credit: Royal Hashemite Courts/Facebook
HRH Crown Prince Hussien bin Abdullah of Jordan attended the graduation ceremony at the Cultural Palace yesterday Friday. This graduation ceremony was the third for the  Prince Hussein bin Abdullah II Academy of Civil Protection.

During the ceremony, HRH presented certificates to graduates from various departements: Fire Safety Engineering, Disaster Management and Specialist in Paramedics.

The Prince Hussein bin Abdullah II academy specializes in various forms of civil protection notably the ones mention above

Photo Credit: Royal Hashemite Courts/Facebook

Photo Credit: Royal Hashemite Courts/Facebook

Photo Credit: Royal Hashemite Courts/Facebook

Photo Credit: Royal Hashemite Courts/Facebook

La Cours Royale- SAR Le Prince Heritier Hussein bin Abdullah a la remise de diplomes

Photo Credit: Royal Hashemite Courts/Facebook
SAR le Prince héritier Abdullah bin Hussein de Jordanie a assisté à la cérémonie de remise des diplômes au Palais de la culture d'hier vendredi. Cette cérémonie de remise des diplômes a été la troisième pour le bin Abdullah II Académie prince Hussein de la protection civile.

Lors de la cérémonie, SAR a remis des certificats aux diplômés de divers départements: Fire Safety Engineering, la gestion des catastrophes et spécialiste de paramédics.

L'académie prince Hussein ben Abdallah II se spécialise dans diverses formes de protection civile, notamment ceux ci-dessus mentionnent

Photo Credit: Royal Hashemite Courts/Facebook

Photo Credit: Royal Hashemite Courts/Facebook

Photo Credit: Royal Hashemite Courts/Facebook

Photo Credit: Royal Hashemite Courts/Facebook

The Royal Courts- 14 Most Eligible Royal Bachelors and Bachelorettes

The year 2015 has brought 2 royal weddings into the media frenzy. First Prince Carl of Sweden getting married to his longtime sweetheart Sofia Hellqvist now Princess Sofia Duchess of Vaarmland, and that of Pierre Casiraghi and Italian aristocrat Beatrice Borroemoe

But in the royal world as one walks down the isle another enters the dating world.
Here is a video gallery of our most eligible royal Bachelors and Bachelorettes:

The Royal Court of Jordan: HRH Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II inaugurates King Abdullah II public park in Irbid

Today HRH Crown Prince Al Hussein Bin Abdullah II represented his father HM King Abdullah at the inauguration of the King Abdullah park  named after his father in the Irbid Governorate

The park, covering a total area of about 178 dunums, will serve as a recreational, sport and cultural landmark and a breathing space to the people of Irbid and surrounding areas.

The Crown Prince unveiled a commemorative plaque and planted an olive tree as he toured the park, which was constructed at a cost of JD15 million, and housed a conservatory, bird park, sports fields, play areas for children, a 280-meter-long artificial river among other facilities.

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