
Friday 27 November 2015

The British Royal Courts: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Prince Charles started this week with a nicest of way. On his Monday's agenda included a visit to the chocolate factory "House of Dorchester" in the county of Dorset in southern Angleterre.Au departure, the Prince of Wales visited Pounbury -a "New Town" created on his initiative and according to its urban planning principles on land owned by him at the gates of Dorchester- to inaugurate the expansion of the warehouse of a company which is simply a chocolate factory that employs 75 people. Also, it cut as it should be discussed with a ribbon and members of the management and staff, the eldest son of Queen Elizabeth II also coated rigor required for a tour. Once a white blouse and slipped a cap on his head,  observed all the chocolate manufacturing process. Photos immortalizing the moment show apparently very interested in these sweets and not hesitating to put their hands in the paste.
At the beginning of his visit the Prince of Wales crossed on his path, a lady holding a dog leash. But not just any dog. It strangely resembled the royal corgis his mother has.

Photo Credits: Paris Match

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